About the VTK examples

Agree, the example page is very useful and needs somehow to be updated and maintained.

I completely agree with the usefulness of these exercises for VTK developers as learning materials. I think it is important to keep them on web pages as well and not only in a repository as this really help with referencing. A lot of time when I look for a generic request about VTK I still get on the VTK example website as search engines can index their content with keywords more cleverly than pure repositories. Maybe a question may be how to keep these web pages up to date with low maintaining costs. @amaclean You mention a SyncSiteWithRepo.sh script, is it robust a easy to use ? Do we need another solution like hugo to help contributors integrate their examples on the website easily ?

I haven’t look at how the VTK/C++ example pages and so on are built or maintained, but in general, I agree that examples are important for documentation and community usage.

Typically that was key for me when I built the vtk.js web site and I think it is as important for VTK/C++ as well. Even better if the VTK/C++ documentation get reworked to provide a uniform web site with proper sub-sections and integration. Since we also have several version of VTK out there, we may also need to version such website and allow user to find example for VTK 8 vs VTK 9…

Unfortunately, I don’t necessary have much more to offer in term of solution, but I think something that go beyond just keeping the examples alive is important too.

I’m fine with a gitlab-ci job that runs to ensure they continue to work, but I’d like that to happen after VTK has migrated at least a few of its regular builds. I don’t have any thoughts on how to maintain the repo/site itself at the moment.

The master is being maintained by myself, so it is tracking the VTK master nicely for Python and C++. However this means that there is a disconnect between the master and the web pages. Most of the C++ tests based on my VTK master build are passing Ok for Linux and Windows 10. Except for the fact that I do have an ensight reader fail for a particular dataset that fails in the latest Visual Studio but not in Linux, I can explain the other test fails, currently only 2 or 3 failures.

Also note that most examples will run on older versions of VTK anyway with the obvious exception of the newer API’s. Where deprecations have occurred I have used the VTK versioning to trap these. If an example used a new API there are functions testing for this. This should alert the user. E.g see: PhysicallyBasedRendering, the master version also checks what function should be used:

    if vtk.VTK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 90000000000:

Also in the master Cxx\Utilities\CheckVTKVersion.cxx is vastly different from the web version.

@Charles_Gueunet the SyncSiteWithRepo.sh calls Python 2 scripts and uses an old version of mkdocs.yml. I have been updating these to Python 3. Hopefully I can get this working.

VTK examples are awesome but it is certainly a lot of work to create and maintain them. One way to address this is to make it easier for community members to try, modify, and test the examples and simplify make automatic building and website infrastructure.

This could be all achieved by converting each example to a Jupyter notebook:

  • simple for users:
    • run and modify and run VTK examples, including an interactive VTK render window, without building or installing anything; just from a web browser
    • VTK API documentation is built in, auto-complete works nicely
    • easy to contribute - just send a pull request to the github repository
  • simple for maintainers:
    • no need to build and run the examples (the notebook kernel takes care of that)
    • same infrastructure can be used for both Python and C++ - yes, C++ code is interpreted, you don’t need to build the entire file but you can run the code line-by-line - click here to try a C++ notebook
    • trivial hosting: each example is an notebook file in a github repository, you can use branches/tags that match VTK repository’s
    • free binder runs the notebooks (using a chosen docker image)

I think the only part that is not readily available is indexing and searching. Hopefully the existing infrastructure could be adapted to this.

I’ve created a simple VTK notebook now, which shows a live VTK renderer and you can run any VTK example code in it (if you are not familiar with Jupyter notebooks yet, just click the link below and hit Shift+Enter to run a code cell):

We developed this infrastructure to allow running 3D Slicer application on the web and allow using it from Jupyter notebooks, but it can be used for any other VTK-based projects, too. It could make VTK available conveniently for the machine learning and scientific Python community. Here is a demo video of what 3D Slicer can do using VTK rendering and Jupyter notebooks:

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@lassoan Looks interesting however there are also CSharp and Java examples that need to be considered. Also indexing and searching may be problematic. One of the nice features about the existing VTKExamples page is that you have a picture of the result, the code and the necessary CMakeLists.txt file all available on the one page. Also being able to use the multiple indexing to find examples is really useful. This is probably one of Bill Lorensen’s great achievements.

Jupyter kernels are available for all major langauages, including C# and Java.

Creating the index page and search index requires some effort but should not be hard. For example, the view display command could switch between “live view” / “save output to file” with an environment variable. A script could run all the notebooks with “save output to file” to generate the index file with images. I guess the current mechanism is something similar, so that could be adapted to the new environment.

The ability to edit/re-run VTK examples in a web browser without downloading, installing/building anything is not just interesting but it is a game changer. It makes VTK very accessible for potential new users. Have you tried the notebook link that I’ve posted above?

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I tried it out, it was very slow to load.

Yes, this free server takes some time to launch a new environment. Normally it takes 15 seconds for the docker container to start, but it may take up to 1-2 minutes if the docker image is not found in the cache of the server that serves your request. This is very short time compared to installing or building VTK. Also, the image that you have tried contains 3D Slicer, which includes not just VTK, but also Qt, ITK, CTK, DICOM toolkits, etc. A much smaller image will be enough for a pure VTK test environment, which could start quickly, even if the image is not cached.

After this initial wait, startup of notebooks and running of cells is fast. Certainly much quicker than rebuilding and running an examples.

If you just want to view a page (not edit it interactively) then you can use nbview - see this example. Notebook content can be displayed as quickly as a static html page, because all displayable content is saved in the file as simple static markdown or html. Notebook files can also be natively viewed/edited/executed locally in Visual Studio Code.

We should really get VTK_VERSION_CHECK exposed into Python. Whether manually written or not.

This is also what I do in Python:

def vtk_version_ok(major, minor, build):
    Check the VTK version.

    :param major: Major version.
    :param minor: Minor version.
    :param build: Build version.
    :return: True if the requested VTK version is greater or equal to the actual VTK version.
    needed_version = 10000000000 * int(major) + 100000000 * int(minor) + int(build)
        vtk_version_number = vtk.VTK_VERSION_NUMBER
    except AttributeError:  # as error:
        ver = vtk.vtkVersion()
        vtk_version_number = 10000000000 * ver.GetVTKMajorVersion() + 100000000 * ver.GetVTKMinorVersion() \
                             + ver.GetVTKBuildVersion()
    if vtk_version_number >= needed_version:
        return True
        return False

In C++

 * Check the VTK version.
 * @param major: Major version.
 * @param major: Minor version.
 * @param major: Build version.
 * @return True if the requested VTK version is greater or equal to the actual
 * VTK version.
bool VTKVersionOk(unsigned long long const& major,
                  unsigned long long const& minor,
                  unsigned long long const& build)
  unsigned long long neededVersion =
      10000000000ULL * major + 100000000ULL * minor + build;
  auto ver = vtkSmartPointer<vtkVersion>();
  unsigned long long vtk_version_number =
      10000000000ULL * ver->GetVTKMajorVersion() +
      100000000ULL * ver->GetVTKMinorVersion() + ver->GetVTKBuildVersion();
  if (vtk_version_number >= neededVersion)
    return true;
  return false;
  if (VTK_VERSION_NUMBER >= neededVersion)
    return true;
  return false;

No sure if they are really that useful but at least they alert the user or allow code to run with suitable #ifdefs or try/excepts.

A good example of how this could work is scikit-image examples. Users can browse statically-generated pages and can get to an interactive environment by a single click (and 1-2 minute wait). VTK could do even better by not just showing results on static images but by providing an interactive 3D renderer.

This is all very nice if someone wants to set all this up and maintain it.

However if you are going to do this, keep in mind that there are nearly 2000 examples all nicely indexed and presented as web pages, so there would be a considerable amount of work porting to a new system.

If Kitware took it over, my feeling would be to keep the original system as much as possible to reduce the workload. This would also obviate the need to add more complexity. The system at present is stable, the only times web pages need to be updated is when new code is added or old code changed.

Really, once it is ported over there would be a bit of work setting up the web pages for the new repository, and testing the Cxx code, preferably on a Linux machine. The scripts for this are all there. User contributions are very low in number.

+1 @amaclean, let’s focus of finding a way to have the current setup uptodate.

Of course, I’d be very happy to see improvements after that.

Hello VTK Examples users.

We are thinking of moving the repository from Bill’s github to another location as well as the website.
Does anyone have inputs about this ?

There is three possibilities :

  1. Move the repository and website to @amaclean github (see here and here for the work in progress)

  2. Move the repository to https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/VTKExamples and host the examples page on a kitware server

  3. Move the repository to https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/VTKExamples and keep a mirror on github to host the website there.

Please let us know what you think and vote below.

  • Use Andrew github
  • Move everything to kitware servers
  • Move the repository to kitware gitlab but keep the website on github

0 voters

If you think it will be close you can start a poll on discourse, but to me number 3 is the right answer.

Good idea, I’ve added a poll.

Small thing, but to clarify my vote for number three is based on having the repository mirrored on github, since that will be more discoverable and familiar to some people. I’m not concerned about whether the site is hosted at github or kitware.

Ok, Solution 2 could also keep a mirrored github.