Enabling Slide Change in MPR Viewer via Slider Movement using vtlResliceCursorWidget

You need to convert ev.target.value from a string to a value (floating number) before calling setCenter()

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Hello, I’m currently working with DICOM images using ResliceCursorWidge and I’m trying to find a way to display the slice number of these images when range slider change or during scroll. I’m wondering if anyone could provide me with some guidance on how to achieve this. @rajajms @finetjul

@ajay_katudiya I’m currently exploring the same task, and I’ll definitely keep you posted on my progress. Let’s collaborate and share insights as we make advancements. If you come across any breakthroughs or solutions, don’t hesitate to update this thread.

@finetjul I have also been attempting to display the slice number on the screen for the past few weeks but have been unable to understand how to do it. Could you please provide me with a reference or guidance on this matter?

@rajajms I draw a schema that should explain all the information you can use to compute the slice index (especially when planes are not axis aligned):
