Were there any plans to build Python 3.13 wheels for this release?
Yes, that is under active development. If bigger issues are identified, we’ll push this to the next vtk release.
Python 3.13 wheel have been added and will be present in 9.4.0
VTK 9.4.0 full release in ongoing. Please do not merge into release
branch until it is released.
That’s great news. Thanks Mathieu!
Any change of https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/-/issues/19534
getting into the release? It is quite an annoying bug to live with for a release
Nope, that will be in v9.4.1
Nice, so before 9.5. I can live with that. We will just add a small patch.
VTK 9.4.0 has been fully released. Tarbals are available here: https://vtk.org/download/. Wheels are available on pypi as well: vtk · PyPI
Blog post describing the release: https://www.kitware.com/vtk-v9-4-0/
Thanks @sankhesh
Please note VTK 9.4.1 is planned for early 2025.
As this is a patch release, it will be based of the release
and release cycle will probably be shorter.
The actual timeline will be announced ahead of it.
Hello, I cannot find VTK 9.4 on conda. On conda forge it looks like the latest release is 9.3.1.
Maybe I’m just looking in the wrong channels.
conda package are not handled by VTK maintainers, you can find vtk 9.4.0 on pypi.
We have a large project involving many libraries, so conda is super-handy.
Do you know who published 9.3.1 on conda-forge and if they are going to upgrade to 9.4?
Conda is handled by the anaconda company: Learn More About Anaconda | Anaconda
So if I understand the VTK conda package is created directly by the Anaconda company?
This is my understanding, but I’m not a conda expert.
The vtk package on conda-forge is maintained here: GitHub - conda-forge/vtk-feedstock: A conda-smithy repository for vtk.. Please create issues there.