Yet another QVTKOpenGLWidget renaming ?

I agree. So let’s poll again :

  • Use high-level naming, omiting “OpenGL” in the names, with the objective of using factories in the future.
  • Use low-level naming, including “OpenGL” in the names, for clarity purpose.

0 voters

please refrain to post until this poll is closed in two or three days.

Looks like it is quite even.

After discussing with @cory.quammen, I think the best would be to :

  • Go forward with a low level rename of the widgets.
  • Add a simple high-level named wrapper ready to be expanded once vulkan or other implementation are integrated and that can be used by applications, which points, for now, to QVTKOpenGLNativeWidget.

The only low-level rename proposition was then :

QVTKOpenGLNativeWidget -> QVTKOpenGLNativeWidget (no rename)
QVTKOpenGLWidget -> QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget

Let me know if there is a strong opposition to this suggestion.

It should also be noted that QVTKOpenGLNativeWidget has an issue when enabling multisampling, see The problem seems to come from Qt as understood by @utkarshayachit ( Because of this, I’m using mostly QVTKOpenGLWidget in my own applications, which does not suffer from this issue. So personally, I’m not particularly in favor of renaming this widget by adding a “Stereo” label to it, since I don’t use QVTKOpenGLWidget for its stereo capabilities at all. But I agree that for the other widget, the “Native” term is not very clear.

Here it is :

The MR has been merged.

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A post was split to a new topic: QOpenGLWidget question