Pickable List: [0]: Debug: Off Modified Time: 14013 Reference Count: 4 Registered Events: (none) Dragable: On Pickable: On AllocatedRenderTime: 10 EstimatedRenderTime: 0 NumberOfConsumers: 1 RenderTimeMultiplier: 1 Visibility: Off PropertyKeys: none. useBounds: 1 IsIdentity: false Position: (0, 0, 0) Orientation: (0, -0, 0) Origin: (0, 0, 0) Scale: (1, 1, 1) Bounds: Xmin,Xmax: (-0.575615, 0.575615) Ymin,Ymax: (-0.575615, 0.575615) Zmin,Zmax: (0, 0) UserTransform: 000001B2FAD5D970 UserMatrix: 000001B280A22D40 Mapper: Debug: Off Modified Time: 10161 Reference Count: 3 Registered Events: (none) Executive: 000001B2FA756CF0 ErrorCode: No error Information: 000001B2FAC34130 AbortExecute: Off Progress: 0 Progress Text: (None) TimeToDraw: 0 ClippingPlanes: (none) Lookup Table: (none) Global Immediate Mode Rendering: Off Scalar Visibility: On Static: Off Scalar Range: (0, 1) UseLookupTableScalarRange: 0 Color Mode: Default InterpolateScalarsBeforeMapping: Off Scalar Mode: Default RenderTime: 0 Resolve Coincident Topology: Polygon Offset CoincidentPointOffset: 0 CoincidentLineOffset: 0 CoincidentPolygonOffset: 0 CoincidentLineFactor: 0 CoincidentPolygonFactor: 0 Piece : 0 NumberOfPieces : 1 GhostLevel: 0 Number of sub pieces: 1 Property: Debug: Off Modified Time: 13075 Reference Count: 1 Registered Events: (none) Ambient: 0 Ambient Color: (0.517647, 0.317647, 0.0470588) Diffuse: 1 Diffuse Color: (0.517647, 0.317647, 0.0470588) Edge Color: (0.733333, 0.894118, 0.188235) Edge Visibility: Off Vertex Color: (0.5, 1, 0.5) Vertex Visibility: Off Interpolation: VTK_PHONG Opacity: 0.14 Representation: VTK_SURFACE Specular: 0 Specular Color: (0.517647, 0.317647, 0.0470588) Specular Power: 1 Backface Culling: Off Frontface Culling: Off Point size: 10.6558 Line width: 10.6558 Line stipple pattern: 65535 Line stipple repeat factor: 1 Lighting: On RenderPointsAsSpheres: Off RenderLinesAsTubes: Off Shading: Off MaterialName: (none) BackfaceProperty: (none) Texture: (none) ForceOpaque: false ForceTranslucent: false Debug: Off Modified Time: 14013 Reference Count: 4 Registered Events: (none) Dragable: On Pickable: On AllocatedRenderTime: 10 EstimatedRenderTime: 0 NumberOfConsumers: 1 RenderTimeMultiplier: 1 Visibility: Off PropertyKeys: none. useBounds: 1 IsIdentity: false Position: (0, 0, 0) Orientation: (0, -0, 0) Origin: (0, 0, 0) Scale: (1, 1, 1) Bounds: Xmin,Xmax: (-0.575615, 0.575615) Ymin,Ymax: (-0.575615, 0.575615) Zmin,Zmax: (0, 0) UserTransform: 000001B2FAD5D970 UserMatrix: 000001B280A22D40 Mapper: Debug: Off Modified Time: 10161 Reference Count: 3 Registered Events: (none) Executive: 000001B2FA756CF0 ErrorCode: No error Information: 000001B2FAC34130 AbortExecute: Off Progress: 0 Progress Text: (None) TimeToDraw: 0 ClippingPlanes: (none) Lookup Table: (none) Global Immediate Mode Rendering: Off Scalar Visibility: On Static: Off Scalar Range: (0, 1) UseLookupTableScalarRange: 0 Color Mode: Default InterpolateScalarsBeforeMapping: Off Scalar Mode: Default RenderTime: 0 Resolve Coincident Topology: Polygon Offset CoincidentPointOffset: 0 CoincidentLineOffset: 0 CoincidentPolygonOffset: 0 CoincidentLineFactor: 0 CoincidentPolygonFactor: 0 Piece : 0 NumberOfPieces : 1 GhostLevel: 0 Number of sub pieces: 1 Property: Debug: Off Modified Time: 13075 Reference Count: 1 Registered Events: (none) Ambient: 0 Ambient Color: (0.517647, 0.317647, 0.0470588) Diffuse: 1 Diffuse Color: (0.517647, 0.317647, 0.0470588) Edge Color: (0.733333, 0.894118, 0.188235) Edge Visibility: Off Vertex Color: (0.5, 1, 0.5) Vertex Visibility: Off Interpolation: VTK_PHONG Opacity: 0.14 Representation: VTK_SURFACE Specular: 0 Specular Color: (0.517647, 0.317647, 0.0470588) Specular Power: 1 Backface Culling: Off Frontface Culling: Off Point size: 10.6558 Line width: 10.6558 Line stipple pattern: 65535 Line stipple repeat factor: 1 Lighting: On RenderPointsAsSpheres: Off RenderLinesAsTubes: Off Shading: Off MaterialName: (none) BackfaceProperty: (none) Texture: (none) ForceOpaque: false ForceTranslucent: false [1]: Debug: Off Modified Time: 56781 Reference Count: 4 Registered Events: (none) Dragable: On Pickable: On AllocatedRenderTime: 4436.51 EstimatedRenderTime: 0.0104595 NumberOfConsumers: 1 RenderTimeMultiplier: 0.467788 Visibility: On PropertyKeys: Debug: Off Modified Time: 89192 Reference Count: 1 Registered Events: (none) useBounds: 1 IsIdentity: false Position: (0, 0, 0) Orientation: (0, -0, 0) Origin: (0, 0, 0) Scale: (1, 1, 1) Bounds: Xmin,Xmax: (-2.98488, 2.99762) Ymin,Ymax: (-2.99915, 2.99893) Zmin,Zmax: (-2.99597, 2.99665) UserTransform: 000001B2FAD5D7B0 UserMatrix: 000001B28080B7A0 Mapper: Debug: Off Modified Time: 14681 Reference Count: 3 Registered Events: (none) Executive: 000001B2FA756250 ErrorCode: No error Information: 000001B2FAC35130 AbortExecute: Off Progress: 1 Progress Text: (None) TimeToDraw: 0.00110576 ClippingPlanes: (none) Lookup Table: (none) Global Immediate Mode Rendering: Off Scalar Visibility: On Static: Off Scalar Range: (0, 1) UseLookupTableScalarRange: 0 Color Mode: Default InterpolateScalarsBeforeMapping: Off Scalar Mode: Default RenderTime: 0 Resolve Coincident Topology: Polygon Offset CoincidentPointOffset: 0.001 CoincidentLineOffset: 0.001 CoincidentPolygonOffset: 0.001 CoincidentLineFactor: 1.001 CoincidentPolygonFactor: 1.001 Piece : 0 NumberOfPieces : 1 GhostLevel: 0 Number of sub pieces: 1 Property: Debug: Off Modified Time: 56781 Reference Count: 1 Registered Events: (none) Ambient: 0 Ambient Color: (0.329412, 0.345098, 0.227451) Diffuse: 1 Diffuse Color: (0.329412, 0.345098, 0.227451) Edge Color: (0.329412, 0.345098, 0.227451) Edge Visibility: Off Vertex Color: (0.5, 1, 0.5) Vertex Visibility: Off Interpolation: VTK_GOURAUD Opacity: 0.261911 Representation: VTK_SURFACE Specular: 0 Specular Color: (0.329412, 0.345098, 0.227451) Specular Power: 1 Backface Culling: Off Frontface Culling: Off Point size: 11.0628 Line width: 11.0628 Line stipple pattern: 65535 Line stipple repeat factor: 1 Lighting: On RenderPointsAsSpheres: Off RenderLinesAsTubes: Off Shading: Off MaterialName: (none) BackfaceProperty: (none) Texture: (none) ForceOpaque: false ForceTranslucent: false Debug: Off Modified Time: 56781 Reference Count: 4 Registered Events: (none) Dragable: On Pickable: On AllocatedRenderTime: 4436.51 EstimatedRenderTime: 0.0104595 NumberOfConsumers: 1 RenderTimeMultiplier: 0.467788 Visibility: On PropertyKeys: Debug: Off Modified Time: 89192 Reference Count: 1 Registered Events: (none) useBounds: 1 IsIdentity: false Position: (0, 0, 0) Orientation: (0, -0, 0) Origin: (0, 0, 0) Scale: (1, 1, 1) Bounds: Xmin,Xmax: (-2.98488, 2.99762) Ymin,Ymax: (-2.99915, 2.99893) Zmin,Zmax: (-2.99597, 2.99665) UserTransform: 000001B2FAD5D7B0 UserMatrix: 000001B28080B7A0 Mapper: Debug: Off Modified Time: 14681 Reference Count: 3 Registered Events: (none) Executive: 000001B2FA756250 ErrorCode: No error Information: 000001B2FAC35130 AbortExecute: Off Progress: 1 Progress Text: (None) TimeToDraw: 0.00110576 ClippingPlanes: (none) Lookup Table: (none) Global Immediate Mode Rendering: Off Scalar Visibility: On Static: Off Scalar Range: (0, 1) UseLookupTableScalarRange: 0 Color Mode: Default InterpolateScalarsBeforeMapping: Off Scalar Mode: Default RenderTime: 0 Resolve Coincident Topology: Polygon Offset CoincidentPointOffset: 0.001 CoincidentLineOffset: 0.001 CoincidentPolygonOffset: 0.001 CoincidentLineFactor: 1.001 CoincidentPolygonFactor: 1.001 Piece : 0 NumberOfPieces : 1 GhostLevel: 0 Number of sub pieces: 1 Property: Debug: Off Modified Time: 56781 Reference Count: 1 Registered Events: (none) Ambient: 0 Ambient Color: (0.329412, 0.345098, 0.227451) Diffuse: 1 Diffuse Color: (0.329412, 0.345098, 0.227451) Edge Color: (0.329412, 0.345098, 0.227451) Edge Visibility: Off Vertex Color: (0.5, 1, 0.5) Vertex Visibility: Off Interpolation: VTK_GOURAUD Opacity: 0.261911 Representation: VTK_SURFACE Specular: 0 Specular Color: (0.329412, 0.345098, 0.227451) Specular Power: 1 Backface Culling: Off Frontface Culling: Off Point size: 11.0628 Line width: 11.0628 Line stipple pattern: 65535 Line stipple repeat factor: 1 Lighting: On RenderPointsAsSpheres: Off RenderLinesAsTubes: Off Shading: Off MaterialName: (none) BackfaceProperty: (none) Texture: (none) ForceOpaque: false ForceTranslucent: false [2]: Debug: Off Modified Time: 19673 Reference Count: 4 Registered Events: (none) Dragable: On Pickable: On AllocatedRenderTime: 10 EstimatedRenderTime: 0 NumberOfConsumers: 1 RenderTimeMultiplier: 1 Visibility: Off PropertyKeys: none. useBounds: 1 IsIdentity: false Position: (0, 0, 0) Orientation: (0, -0, 0) Origin: (0, 0, 0) Scale: (1, 1, 1) Bounds: Xmin,Xmax: (-0.0389664, 0.489167) Ymin,Ymax: (-0.0391334, 0.489167) Zmin,Zmax: (-0.0389664, 0.489167) UserTransform: 000001B2FAD5D0B0 UserMatrix: 000001B28080B560 Mapper: Debug: Off Modified Time: 17208 Reference Count: 3 Registered Events: (none) Executive: 000001B2FABB66A0 ErrorCode: No error Information: 000001B2FAC35BB0 AbortExecute: Off Progress: 1 Progress Text: (None) TimeToDraw: 0 ClippingPlanes: (none) Lookup Table: (none) Global Immediate Mode Rendering: Off Scalar Visibility: On Static: On Scalar Range: (0, 1) UseLookupTableScalarRange: 0 Color Mode: Default InterpolateScalarsBeforeMapping: Off Scalar Mode: Default RenderTime: 0 Resolve Coincident Topology: Polygon Offset CoincidentPointOffset: 0 CoincidentLineOffset: 0 CoincidentPolygonOffset: 0 CoincidentLineFactor: 0 CoincidentPolygonFactor: 0 Piece : 0 NumberOfPieces : 1 GhostLevel: 0 Number of sub pieces: 1 Property: Debug: Off Modified Time: 18975 Reference Count: 1 Registered Events: (none) Ambient: 0 Ambient Color: (1, 1, 1) Diffuse: 1 Diffuse Color: (1, 1, 1) Edge Color: (0, 0, 0) Edge Visibility: Off Vertex Color: (0.5, 1, 0.5) Vertex Visibility: Off Interpolation: VTK_PHONG Opacity: 0.05 Representation: VTK_SURFACE Specular: 0 Specular Color: (1, 1, 1) Specular Power: 1 Backface Culling: Off Frontface Culling: Off Point size: 2 Line width: 2 Line stipple pattern: 65535 Line stipple repeat factor: 1 Lighting: On RenderPointsAsSpheres: Off RenderLinesAsTubes: Off Shading: Off MaterialName: (none) BackfaceProperty: (none) Texture: (none) ForceOpaque: false ForceTranslucent: false Debug: Off Modified Time: 19673 Reference Count: 4 Registered Events: (none) Dragable: On Pickable: On AllocatedRenderTime: 10 EstimatedRenderTime: 0 NumberOfConsumers: 1 RenderTimeMultiplier: 1 Visibility: Off PropertyKeys: none. useBounds: 1 IsIdentity: false Position: (0, 0, 0) Orientation: (0, -0, 0) Origin: (0, 0, 0) Scale: (1, 1, 1) Bounds: Xmin,Xmax: (-0.0389664, 0.489167) Ymin,Ymax: (-0.0391334, 0.489167) Zmin,Zmax: (-0.0389664, 0.489167) UserTransform: 000001B2FAD5D0B0 UserMatrix: 000001B28080B560 Mapper: Debug: Off Modified Time: 17208 Reference Count: 3 Registered Events: (none) Executive: 000001B2FABB66A0 ErrorCode: No error Information: 000001B2FAC35BB0 AbortExecute: Off Progress: 1 Progress Text: (None) TimeToDraw: 0 ClippingPlanes: (none) Lookup Table: (none) Global Immediate Mode Rendering: Off Scalar Visibility: On Static: On Scalar Range: (0, 1) UseLookupTableScalarRange: 0 Color Mode: Default InterpolateScalarsBeforeMapping: Off Scalar Mode: Default RenderTime: 0 Resolve Coincident Topology: Polygon Offset CoincidentPointOffset: 0 CoincidentLineOffset: 0 CoincidentPolygonOffset: 0 CoincidentLineFactor: 0 CoincidentPolygonFactor: 0 Piece : 0 NumberOfPieces : 1 GhostLevel: 0 Number of sub pieces: 1 Property: Debug: Off Modified Time: 18975 Reference Count: 1 Registered Events: (none) Ambient: 0 Ambient Color: (1, 1, 1) Diffuse: 1 Diffuse Color: (1, 1, 1) Edge Color: (0, 0, 0) Edge Visibility: Off Vertex Color: (0.5, 1, 0.5) Vertex Visibility: Off Interpolation: VTK_PHONG Opacity: 0.05 Representation: VTK_SURFACE Specular: 0 Specular Color: (1, 1, 1) Specular Power: 1 Backface Culling: Off Frontface Culling: Off Point size: 2 Line width: 2 Line stipple pattern: 65535 Line stipple repeat factor: 1 Lighting: On RenderPointsAsSpheres: Off RenderLinesAsTubes: Off Shading: Off MaterialName: (none) BackfaceProperty: (none) Texture: (none) ForceOpaque: false ForceTranslucent: false [3]: Debug: Off Modified Time: 37577 Reference Count: 6 Registered Events: (none) Dragable: On Pickable: On AllocatedRenderTime: 412.583 EstimatedRenderTime: 2.7904e-05 NumberOfConsumers: 1 RenderTimeMultiplier: 0.043503 Visibility: On PropertyKeys: Debug: Off Modified Time: 89193 Reference Count: 1 Registered Events: (none) useBounds: 1 IsIdentity: false Position: (0, 0, 0) Orientation: (0, -0, 0) Origin: (0, 0, 0) Scale: (1, 1, 1) Bounds: Xmin,Xmax: (-1.07963, 1.07963) Ymin,Ymax: (-1.15644, 1.15644) Zmin,Zmax: (0, 0) UserTransform: 000001B2FAD5DF90 UserMatrix: 000001B280A229E0 Mapper: Debug: Off Modified Time: 20149 Reference Count: 2 Registered Events: (none) Executive: 000001B2FABB5F30 ErrorCode: No error Information: 000001B2FAC3E530 AbortExecute: Off Progress: 1 Progress Text: (None) TimeToDraw: 2.24e-06 ClippingPlanes: (none) Lookup Table: (none) Global Immediate Mode Rendering: Off Scalar Visibility: On Static: Off Scalar Range: (0, 1) UseLookupTableScalarRange: 0 Color Mode: Default InterpolateScalarsBeforeMapping: Off Scalar Mode: Default RenderTime: 0 Resolve Coincident Topology: Polygon Offset CoincidentPointOffset: 0.001 CoincidentLineOffset: 0.001 CoincidentPolygonOffset: 0.001 CoincidentLineFactor: 1.001 CoincidentPolygonFactor: 1.001 Piece : 0 NumberOfPieces : 1 GhostLevel: 0 Number of sub pieces: 1 Property: Debug: Off Modified Time: 37577 Reference Count: 1 Registered Events: (none) Ambient: 0 Ambient Color: (0.572549, 0.580392, 0.298039) Diffuse: 1 Diffuse Color: (0.572549, 0.580392, 0.298039) Edge Color: (0.572549, 0.580392, 0.298039) Edge Visibility: On Vertex Color: (0.5, 1, 0.5) Vertex Visibility: Off Interpolation: VTK_FLAT Opacity: 0.811212 Representation: VTK_SURFACE Specular: 0 Specular Color: (0.572549, 0.580392, 0.298039) Specular Power: 1 Backface Culling: Off Frontface Culling: Off Point size: 10.5827 Line width: 10.5827 Line stipple pattern: 65535 Line stipple repeat factor: 1 Lighting: Off RenderPointsAsSpheres: Off RenderLinesAsTubes: Off Shading: Off MaterialName: (none) BackfaceProperty: (none) Texture: (none) ForceOpaque: false ForceTranslucent: false Debug: Off Modified Time: 37577 Reference Count: 6 Registered Events: (none) Dragable: On Pickable: On AllocatedRenderTime: 412.583 EstimatedRenderTime: 2.7904e-05 NumberOfConsumers: 1 RenderTimeMultiplier: 0.043503 Visibility: On PropertyKeys: Debug: Off Modified Time: 89193 Reference Count: 1 Registered Events: (none) useBounds: 1 IsIdentity: false Position: (0, 0, 0) Orientation: (0, -0, 0) Origin: (0, 0, 0) Scale: (1, 1, 1) Bounds: Xmin,Xmax: (-1.07963, 1.07963) Ymin,Ymax: (-1.15644, 1.15644) Zmin,Zmax: (0, 0) UserTransform: 000001B2FAD5DF90 UserMatrix: 000001B280A229E0 Mapper: Debug: Off Modified Time: 20149 Reference Count: 2 Registered Events: (none) Executive: 000001B2FABB5F30 ErrorCode: No error Information: 000001B2FAC3E530 AbortExecute: Off Progress: 1 Progress Text: (None) TimeToDraw: 2.24e-06 ClippingPlanes: (none) Lookup Table: (none) Global Immediate Mode Rendering: Off Scalar Visibility: On Static: Off Scalar Range: (0, 1) UseLookupTableScalarRange: 0 Color Mode: Default InterpolateScalarsBeforeMapping: Off Scalar Mode: Default RenderTime: 0 Resolve Coincident Topology: Polygon Offset CoincidentPointOffset: 0.001 CoincidentLineOffset: 0.001 CoincidentPolygonOffset: 0.001 CoincidentLineFactor: 1.001 CoincidentPolygonFactor: 1.001 Piece : 0 NumberOfPieces : 1 GhostLevel: 0 Number of sub pieces: 1 Property: Debug: Off Modified Time: 37577 Reference Count: 1 Registered Events: (none) Ambient: 0 Ambient Color: (0.572549, 0.580392, 0.298039) Diffuse: 1 Diffuse Color: (0.572549, 0.580392, 0.298039) Edge Color: (0.572549, 0.580392, 0.298039) Edge Visibility: On Vertex Color: (0.5, 1, 0.5) Vertex Visibility: Off Interpolation: VTK_FLAT Opacity: 0.811212 Representation: VTK_SURFACE Specular: 0 Specular Color: (0.572549, 0.580392, 0.298039) Specular Power: 1 Backface Culling: Off Frontface Culling: Off Point size: 10.5827 Line width: 10.5827 Line stipple pattern: 65535 Line stipple repeat factor: 1 Lighting: Off RenderPointsAsSpheres: Off RenderLinesAsTubes: Off Shading: Off MaterialName: (none) BackfaceProperty: (none) Texture: (none) ForceOpaque: false ForceTranslucent: false [4]: Debug: Off Modified Time: 24508 Reference Count: 4 Registered Events: (none) Dragable: On Pickable: On AllocatedRenderTime: 10 EstimatedRenderTime: 0 NumberOfConsumers: 1 RenderTimeMultiplier: 1 Visibility: Off PropertyKeys: none. useBounds: 1 IsIdentity: false Position: (0, 0, 0) Orientation: (0, -0, 0) Origin: (0, 0, 0) Scale: (1, 1, 1) Bounds: Xmin,Xmax: (-0.371523, 0.371523) Ymin,Ymax: (-0.371523, 0.371523) Zmin,Zmax: (0, 0) UserTransform: 000001B2FAD5E150 UserMatrix: 000001B28081A310 Mapper: Debug: Off Modified Time: 20656 Reference Count: 3 Registered Events: (none) Executive: 000001B2FABB4C10 ErrorCode: No error Information: 000001B2FAC3DA30 AbortExecute: Off Progress: 0 Progress Text: (None) TimeToDraw: 0 ClippingPlanes: (none) Lookup Table: (none) Global Immediate Mode Rendering: Off Scalar Visibility: On Static: Off Scalar Range: (0, 1) UseLookupTableScalarRange: 0 Color Mode: Default InterpolateScalarsBeforeMapping: Off Scalar Mode: Default RenderTime: 0 Resolve Coincident Topology: Polygon Offset CoincidentPointOffset: 0 CoincidentLineOffset: 0 CoincidentPolygonOffset: 0 CoincidentLineFactor: 0 CoincidentPolygonFactor: 0 Piece : 0 NumberOfPieces : 1 GhostLevel: 0 Number of sub pieces: 1 Property: Debug: Off Modified Time: 23570 Reference Count: 1 Registered Events: (none) Ambient: 0 Ambient Color: (0.866667, 0.647059, 0.12549) Diffuse: 1 Diffuse Color: (0.866667, 0.647059, 0.12549) Edge Color: (0.784314, 0.768627, 0.454902) Edge Visibility: Off Vertex Color: (0.5, 1, 0.5) Vertex Visibility: Off Interpolation: VTK_PHONG Opacity: 0.715703 Representation: VTK_SURFACE Specular: 0 Specular Color: (0.866667, 0.647059, 0.12549) Specular Power: 1 Backface Culling: Off Frontface Culling: Off Point size: 1.57856 Line width: 1.57856 Line stipple pattern: 65535 Line stipple repeat factor: 1 Lighting: On RenderPointsAsSpheres: Off RenderLinesAsTubes: Off Shading: Off MaterialName: (none) BackfaceProperty: (none) Texture: (none) ForceOpaque: false ForceTranslucent: false Debug: Off Modified Time: 24508 Reference Count: 4 Registered Events: (none) Dragable: On Pickable: On AllocatedRenderTime: 10 EstimatedRenderTime: 0 NumberOfConsumers: 1 RenderTimeMultiplier: 1 Visibility: Off PropertyKeys: none. useBounds: 1 IsIdentity: false Position: (0, 0, 0) Orientation: (0, -0, 0) Origin: (0, 0, 0) Scale: (1, 1, 1) Bounds: Xmin,Xmax: (-0.371523, 0.371523) Ymin,Ymax: (-0.371523, 0.371523) Zmin,Zmax: (0, 0) UserTransform: 000001B2FAD5E150 UserMatrix: 000001B28081A310 Mapper: Debug: Off Modified Time: 20656 Reference Count: 3 Registered Events: (none) Executive: 000001B2FABB4C10 ErrorCode: No error Information: 000001B2FAC3DA30 AbortExecute: Off Progress: 0 Progress Text: (None) TimeToDraw: 0 ClippingPlanes: (none) Lookup Table: (none) Global Immediate Mode Rendering: Off Scalar Visibility: On Static: Off Scalar Range: (0, 1) UseLookupTableScalarRange: 0 Color Mode: Default InterpolateScalarsBeforeMapping: Off Scalar Mode: Default RenderTime: 0 Resolve Coincident Topology: Polygon Offset CoincidentPointOffset: 0 CoincidentLineOffset: 0 CoincidentPolygonOffset: 0 CoincidentLineFactor: 0 CoincidentPolygonFactor: 0 Piece : 0 NumberOfPieces : 1 GhostLevel: 0 Number of sub pieces: 1 Property: Debug: Off Modified Time: 23570 Reference Count: 1 Registered Events: (none) Ambient: 0 Ambient Color: (0.866667, 0.647059, 0.12549) Diffuse: 1 Diffuse Color: (0.866667, 0.647059, 0.12549) Edge Color: (0.784314, 0.768627, 0.454902) Edge Visibility: Off Vertex Color: (0.5, 1, 0.5) Vertex Visibility: Off Interpolation: VTK_PHONG Opacity: 0.715703 Representation: VTK_SURFACE Specular: 0 Specular Color: (0.866667, 0.647059, 0.12549) Specular Power: 1 Backface Culling: Off Frontface Culling: Off Point size: 1.57856 Line width: 1.57856 Line stipple pattern: 65535 Line stipple repeat factor: 1 Lighting: On RenderPointsAsSpheres: Off RenderLinesAsTubes: Off Shading: Off MaterialName: (none) BackfaceProperty: (none) Texture: (none) ForceOpaque: false ForceTranslucent: false Picker Info: Debug: Off Modified Time: 91976 Reference Count: 1 Registered Events: (none) Picking from list Renderer: 000001B2F7DD3CB0 Selection Point: (145,384,0) Pick Position: (0.0669329,1.34278,0) Path: 000001B2FA5F7840 DataSet: 000001B2FAE44180 CompositeDataSet: (none) FlatBlockIndex: (none) Mapper: 000001B2807FC5A0 Tolerance: 0.00987554 MapperPosition: (0.0669329,1.34278,0) MapperNormal: (0,0,1) PickNormal: (0,0,1) Texture: (none) PickTextureData: Off PointId: 3 CellId: 0 SubId: 0 PCoords: (0.530998, 1.08057, 0) PointIJK: (0, 0, 0) CellIJK: (0, 0, 0) ClippingPlaneId: -1 PickClippingPlanes: Off VolumeOpacityIsovalue: 0.05 UseVolumeGradientOpacity: Off Picked Info: Debug: Off Modified Time: 37577 Reference Count: 6 Registered Events: (none) Dragable: On Pickable: On AllocatedRenderTime: 412.583 EstimatedRenderTime: 2.7904e-05 NumberOfConsumers: 1 RenderTimeMultiplier: 0.043503 Visibility: On PropertyKeys: Debug: Off Modified Time: 89193 Reference Count: 1 Registered Events: (none) useBounds: 1 IsIdentity: false Position: (0, 0, 0) Orientation: (0, -0, 0) Origin: (0, 0, 0) Scale: (1, 1, 1) Bounds: Xmin,Xmax: (-1.07963, 1.07963) Ymin,Ymax: (-1.15644, 1.15644) Zmin,Zmax: (0, 0) UserTransform: 000001B2FAD5DF90 UserMatrix: 000001B280A229E0 Mapper: Debug: Off Modified Time: 20149 Reference Count: 2 Registered Events: (none) Executive: 000001B2FABB5F30 ErrorCode: No error Information: 000001B2FAC3E530 AbortExecute: Off Progress: 1 Progress Text: (None) TimeToDraw: 2.24e-06 ClippingPlanes: (none) Lookup Table: (none) Global Immediate Mode Rendering: Off Scalar Visibility: On Static: Off Scalar Range: (0, 1) UseLookupTableScalarRange: 0 Color Mode: Default InterpolateScalarsBeforeMapping: Off Scalar Mode: Default RenderTime: 0 Resolve Coincident Topology: Polygon Offset CoincidentPointOffset: 0.001 CoincidentLineOffset: 0.001 CoincidentPolygonOffset: 0.001 CoincidentLineFactor: 1.001 CoincidentPolygonFactor: 1.001 Piece : 0 NumberOfPieces : 1 GhostLevel: 0 Number of sub pieces: 1 Property: Debug: Off Modified Time: 37577 Reference Count: 1 Registered Events: (none) Ambient: 0 Ambient Color: (0.572549, 0.580392, 0.298039) Diffuse: 1 Diffuse Color: (0.572549, 0.580392, 0.298039) Edge Color: (0.572549, 0.580392, 0.298039) Edge Visibility: On Vertex Color: (0.5, 1, 0.5) Vertex Visibility: Off Interpolation: VTK_FLAT Opacity: 0.811212 Representation: VTK_SURFACE Specular: 0 Specular Color: (0.572549, 0.580392, 0.298039) Specular Power: 1 Backface Culling: Off Frontface Culling: Off Point size: 10.5827 Line width: 10.5827 Line stipple pattern: 65535 Line stipple repeat factor: 1 Lighting: Off RenderPointsAsSpheres: Off RenderLinesAsTubes: Off Shading: Off MaterialName: (none) BackfaceProperty: (none) Texture: (none) ForceOpaque: false ForceTranslucent: false Picked Points: 0: { 0.0669329, 1.34278, 4.44089e-16 }