Actor is oddly coloured


I declared a vtkActor and set it to one colour. I pass a vtkBooleanOperationPolyDataFilter to the vtkPolyDataMapper and then to the vtkActor. When the vtkActor is rendered, it is not the colour I specified. Instead, it is blue and progressively transitions to red. How do I make it one colour?

Thanks. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Set ScalarVisibilityOff on your mapper.

Thanks so much! One more question, when I try to render a vtkBooleanOperatonPolyDataFilter using vtkMapper and vtkActor, the render fails and I am given this error:

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Do you know what this means and how to fix it? Thanks!

It’s hard to tell without seeing the code. Can you supply an example that illustrates the problem?

I have problems with lines 218 and 219. RemoveAllInputs() did not remove the data in port 0 and 1 of vtkBooleanOperationPolyDataFilter. It only removed data in port 0. So I tried to remove data for each port using RemoveAllInputConnections(portNumber) for port 0 and 1. This does the job. I get 0 inputs for both ports. The purpose of the code is to merge multiple volumes created by vtkDelaunay and display them. I get this error:

ERROR: In /work/standalone-x64-build/VTK-source/Filters/General/vtkOBBTree.cxx, line 1058
vtkOBBTree (0x801dfa0): Can’t build OBB tree - no data available!

I don’t know what is wrong and how to fix it. Thanks so much by the way!

code.txt (4.4 KB)

Please post your code and a CMakelist file.

171         orderedContourDict = OrderedDict(sorted(self.reslicers[self.contourOrientation].contours.items()))
172         contourList = []
173         for slice, contour in orderedContourDict.items():
174             contourList.append(contour)
176         numberOfContours = len(orderedContourDict)
177         volumePolyDataList = []
178         for i in range(0, numberOfContours - 1):
179             appendPolyData = vtkAppendPolyData()
180             appendPolyData.AddInputData(contourList[i].GetContourRepresentation().GetContourRepresentationAsPolyData())
181             appendPolyData.AddInputData(contourList[i + 1].GetContourRepresentation().GetContourRepresentationAsPolyData())
182             appendPolyData.Update()
183             delaunay = vtkDelaunay3D()
184             delaunay.SetInputData(appendPolyData.GetOutput())
185             surfaceFilter = vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter()
186             surfaceFilter.SetInputConnection(0, delaunay.GetOutputPort())
187             surfaceFilter.Update()
188             polyData = surfaceFilter.GetOutput()
189             volumePolyDataList.append(polyData)
191         if len(volumePolyDataList) == 1:
192             delaunay = vtkDelaunay3D()
193             delaunay.SetInputData(volumePolyDataList[0])
194             delaunayMapper = vtkDataSetMapper()
195             delaunayMapper.SetInputConnection(delaunay.GetOutputPort())
197             self.planes.GetRenderWindow().Render()
198         else:
199             booleanOperation = vtkBooleanOperationPolyDataFilter()
200             booleanOperation1 = vtkBooleanOperationPolyDataFilter()
201             booleanOperation.SetOperationToUnion()
202             booleanOperation1.SetOperationToUnion()
204             for i in range(0, len(volumePolyDataList)):
205                 if i == 0:
206                     booleanOperation.AddInputData(0, volumePolyDataList[i])
207                     #booleanOperation.Update()
208                 elif i == 1:
209                     booleanOperation.AddInputData(1, volumePolyDataList[i])
210                     #booleanOperation.Update()
211                 elif i == 2:
212                     booleanOperation1.AddInputData(0, booleanOperation.GetOutput())
213                     booleanOperation1.AddInputData(1, volumePolyDataList[i])
214                     #booleanOperation1.Update()
215                 else:
216                     boolCopy = booleanOperation1.GetOutput()
217 #                    booleanOperation1.RemoveAllInputs()
218                     booleanOperation1.RemoveAllInputConnections(0)
219                     booleanOperation1.RemoveAllInputConnections(1)
220 #                    booleanOperation1.Update()
221                     print(booleanOperation.GetNumberOfInputConnections(0), booleanOperation.GetNumberOfInputConnections(1), booleanOpera    tion1.GetNumberOfInputConnections(0), booleanOperation1.GetNumberOfInputConnections(1))
222                     booleanOperation1.AddInputData(0, boolCopy)
223                     booleanOperation1.AddInputData(1, volumePolyDataList[i])
224                     #booleanOperation1.Update()
226             print(booleanOperation.GetNumberOfInputConnections(0), booleanOperation.GetNumberOfInputConnections(1), booleanOperation1.Ge    tNumberOfInputConnections(0), booleanOperation1.GetNumberOfInputConnections(1))
228 #                print(booleanOperation.GetNumberOfInputConnections(0), booleanOperation.GetNumberOfInputConnections(1), booleanOperatio    n1.GetNumberOfInputConnections(0), booleanOperation1.GetNumberOfInputConnections(1))
230             mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper()
231             if len(volumePolyDataList) == 2:
232                 mapper.SetInputConnection(booleanOperation.GetOutputPort())
233             else:
234                 mapper.SetInputConnection(booleanOperation1.GetOutputPort())
235             mapper.ScalarVisibilityOff()
237             self.planes.GetRenderWindow().Render()
239         self.reslicers[self.contourOrientation].stopContouring()
240         self.contouring = False
241         self.orientationBox.setEnabled(True)
242         self.startContouringButton.setEnabled(True)
243         self.generateVolumeButton.setEnabled(False)
244         self.cancelContouringButton.setEnabled(False)
245         self.applyButton.setEnabled(True)