Adding a text label on renderer

Hello everyone. I am new to VTK.js and I have a lot of troubles with something seemingly very easy. I want to put a label below a mesh on the renderer. I want this label to be static. I don’t want it to change position or size when interacting the actors on the scene. The reason I want it on the renderer and not just on top of it as svg or simply html element is because, I want to be part of the snapshot that can be taken with the .captureNextImage(). Is there a way to achive that? Thank You!

You can look at the following Spheres and Labels example. It creates a “text canvas”. You might then simply capture the canvas to generate your snapshot.

I’m trying to use this example as a reference, but I’m having so many issues to apply it to my project. I’m looking for a way that I can render text labels whenever I click my 3D model. Any clue on that? I am struggling to find something or someone who needed to do something similar with vtk.js.