After setting the center of the crosshair of the ResliceCursorWidget to empty, there is a problem

Hello! Thanks for your previous help, I now have a new question. I have a requirement that the center of the crosshair of the ResliceCursorWidget should be empty, so I modified the source vtkcylindersource code used in lines to achieve the effect that the center part of lines is not displayed. I added double points to the cylindersource and double polys accordingly.
In this way, the original box is split from the center into two boxes, but the final effect is a little wrong.When rotating the crosshair, It seems that the plane is in front of the line. The lines are not displayed completely or even sometimes disappears completely. What’s the problem with me?The following is my screenshot and my modified cylindersource.js code .

function vtkCylinderSource(publicAPI, model) {
  // Set our classname
  function requestData(inData, outData) {
    if (model.deleted) {
    let dataset = outData[0];

    const angle = (2.0 * Math.PI) / model.resolution;
   // let numberOfPoints = 2* model.resolution ;
   // let numberOfPolys = 5 * model.resolution;
   let numberOfPoints = 2 *2* model.resolution ;   //I made changes here
   let numberOfPolys =2* 5 * model.resolution;     //I made changes here

    if (model.capping) {
      numberOfPoints = 4 * model.resolution;
      numberOfPolys = 7 * model.resolution + 2;

    // Points
    const points = macro.newTypedArray(model.pointType, numberOfPoints * 3);

    // Cells
    let cellLocation = 0;
    const polys = new Uint32Array(numberOfPolys);

    // Normals
    const normalsData = new Float32Array(numberOfPoints * 3);
    const normals = vtkDataArray.newInstance({
      numberOfComponents: 3,
      values: normalsData,
      name: 'Normals',

    // Texture coords
    const tcData = new Float32Array(numberOfPoints * 2);
    const tcoords = vtkDataArray.newInstance({
      numberOfComponents: 2,
      values: tcData,
      name: 'TCoords',

    // Generate points for all sides
    const nbot = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
    const ntop = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
    const nbot_ = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];    //Here I added
    const ntop_ = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];    //Here  I added
    const xbot = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
    const xtop = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
    const xbot_=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0];      //Here I added
    const xtop_=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0];      //Here I added
    const tcbot = [0.0, 0.0];
    const tctop = [0.0, 0.0];
    const tcbot_ = [0.0, 0.0];         //Here I added
    const tctop_ = [0.0, 0.0];       //Here I added
    for (let i = 0; i < model.resolution; i++) {
      // x coordinate
      nbot[0] = Math.cos(i * angle);
      ntop[0] = nbot[0];
      ntop_[0]= nbot[0];
      xbot[0] = model.radius * nbot[0] +[0];
      xtop[0] = xbot[0];
      xbot_[0] = xbot[0];
      xtop_[0] = xbot[0];
      tcbot[0] = Math.abs((2.0 * i) / model.resolution - 1.0);
      tctop[0] = tcbot[0];
      tctop_[0] = tcbot[0];
      tcbot_[0] = tcbot[0];
      // y coordinate    
      xbot[1] = 0.5 * model.height +[1];
      xtop[1] = -0.5 * model.height +[1];
      xbot_[1][1]+10;    //Here I added
      xtop_[1][1]-10;    //Here I added
      tcbot[1] = 1.0;
      tctop[1] = 0.0;
      tctop_[1] = 1.0;
      tcbot_[1] = 0.0;
      // z coordinate
      nbot[2] = -Math.sin(i * angle);
      ntop[2] = nbot[2];
      ntop_[2]= nbot[2];

      xbot[2] = model.radius * nbot[2] +[2];
      xtop[2] = xbot[2];
      xbot_[2] = xbot[2];
      xtop_[2] = xbot[2];

     // const pointIdx = 2 * i;
      const pointIdx = 4 * i;   //I made changes here
      for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
        normalsData[pointIdx * 3 + j] = nbot[j];
        normalsData[(pointIdx + 1) * 3 + j] = nbot_[j];
        normalsData[(pointIdx + 2) * 3 + j] = ntop_[j];
        normalsData[(pointIdx + 3) * 3 + j] = ntop[j];
        points[pointIdx * 3 + j] = xbot[j];       
        points[(pointIdx + 1) * 3 + j] = xbot_[j];
        points[(pointIdx + 2) * 3 + j] = xtop_[j];
        points[(pointIdx + 3) * 3 + j] = xtop[j];
        if (j < 2) {
          tcData[pointIdx * 2 + j] = tcbot[j];
          tcData[(pointIdx + 1) * 2 + j] = tcbot_[j];
         tcData[(pointIdx + 2) * 2 + j] = tctop_[j];
          tcData[(pointIdx + 3) * 2 + j] = tctop[j];

    // Generate polygons for sides
  //  for (let i = 0; i < model.resolution; i++) {
    for (let i = 0; i < model.resolution*2; i++) {  ////I made changes here 
      polys[cellLocation++] = 4;
      polys[cellLocation++] = 2 * i;
      polys[cellLocation++] = 2 * i + 1;
      const pt = (2 * i + 5) % (2 * model.resolution);  ////I made changes here
      polys[cellLocation++] = pt;
      polys[cellLocation++] = pt - 1;


I wouldn’t modify the cylinder source, but instead the reslice cursor represenation to have 2 cylinders instead of 1.

Feel free to contribute your work back to vtk.js. PR are welcomed :slight_smile:
