Hi all! I am now creating a curated list of awesome stuff related to VTK. This list is a collection of tools, projects, images, and resources conforming to the Awesome Manifesto .
Please let me know if you have any items that should be on this list.
What about adding vtk addons or vtk remote modules? (Not sure if those belong to that list)
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Outstanding initiative. I’ve just submitted a PR.
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Thanks for the idea! Can you give us the URLs to reference so we want add them?
I added jupyterview . This is awesome.
← tkoyama010:jupyterview
opened 07:36AM - 24 May 24 UTC
## What is this VTK tool?
**jupyterview** is an extension that adds the `VTK` d… ata visualization capability to JupyterLab.
Powered by Kitware's `vtk.js` and `itk-wasm` library, **jupyterview** is a pure frontend extension, it does not require any kernel to operate and fully supports the Real-Time Collaboration feature of JupyterLab.
**jupyterview** is fully compatible with `jupyterlite`, it is available online at [jupyterview demo link](https://trungleduc.github.io/jupyterview).

## What's the difference between this VTK tool and similar ones?
Enumerate comparisons.
Anyone who agrees with this pull request could submit an _Approve_ review to it.
I added BVtkNodes . BVtkNodes is a Blender Addon allowing to use VTK within Blender.
← tkoyama010:BVTKNodes
opened 07:51AM - 29 May 24 UTC
## What is this VTK tool?
BVTKNodes is a Blender add-on that wraps the Visual… ization Toolkit (VTK) library for scientific visualization in Blender. The high-level features of this add-on include:
- Node system for developing VTK pipelines
- Converters from VTK data to Blender meshes, particles and volumes
- Common scientific color maps
BVTKNodes can be used with Blender's powerful 3D modeling and rendering tools to make figures that are both informative as well as visually stunning. This fork builds on the [original repository](https://github.com/simboden/BVtkNodes). Aim is to provide continued updates to newer Blender/VTK versions, new features, bug fixes and community involvement.
<p align="center">
<img width="500" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tkeskita/BVtkNodes/master/docs/images/isosurfaces.png">
## What's the difference between this VTK tool and similar ones?
Enumerate comparisons.
Anyone who agrees with this pull request could submit an _Approve_ review to it.
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I am adding ITK-Wasm . High performance spatial analysis in a web browser and across programming languages and hardware architectures.
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I added Common Toolkit (CTK) . A set of common support code for medical imaging, surgical navigation, and related purposes.
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I added vtkbool . A new boolean operations filter for VTK.
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I added SpinView . General interactive visual analysis tool for multi-scale computational magnetism.
I added PYCAD . The Comprehensive Library Designed to Simplify and Streamline Medical Imaging Tasks.