Hello, I am building the 3D Slicer tool for web assembler using the following commands:
sudo docker run --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash -v $PWD:/work -p 8000:8000 -it dockcross/web-wasm:20230222-162287d
emcmake cmake . -G Ninja
However, I am encountering an error as shown in the image below. I have built VTK with the corrections mentioned in https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/-/commit/505304bd33dd8602f77f075fba5b4017e360a981 based on the recommendations in VTK WASM - #6 by mazurkin.daniel. VTK itself was built using the instructions in Building using emscripten for WebAssembly - VTK documentation in the build-vtk-wasm folder. You can download the project archive and view the CMakeLists.txt file at forum_example - Google Drive.
Also, I would like to mention that Module[‘_main’] is empty, and it is not clear how to specify what should be in main. It should be in Cone.cxx.