Loading libstdc++ from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu is unusual. I’d expect it to be loaded from /usr/local/lib64. Maybe there’s something amiss in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
We do build the VTK maven package with a very recent GLIBCXX which is undesirable, the reason for this is that we used our current CI image (based on fedora 39). In future iterations we will move to an older/more stable distro that ships an older glibc. Probably RHEL8 (Alma).
If you are using a distro with an older glibc, I recommend a tool such as a distrobox
Good morning all. Merry Xmas and a happy 2025 to you all. Thanks for the Java build solution for 9.4.0.
While waiting for 9.4.1 release, I went back to my last clean 9.. build, ie 9.3.1. The build was clean but when I tried to run it, it fails on load as in the attached log.
(error: The specified procedure could not be found)
I have tried several tricks including checking the missing base entries in Cmake, to no avail. Example as in attachment
It seems these dll’s are not built. There may well be no instruction to build them else an error would show:
There have been some changes in the maven package generation code since vtk 9.4.0. I recommend you to try the current tip of the release branch of VTK. Note that we have not yet done an official maven release of any vtk 9.4 due to existing issues in some platforms that we are working on correcting.
Good morning Vicente and thanks for the early response. I am afraid I do need some hand-holding here. How do I get to try the “current tip of the release branch of VTK”.
If you don’t mid giving me a guide, I will dive in head first and give it a bash. Thanks very much in advance.
What I refer to with the tip of the release branch is the last (most recent) commit of the git release branch in the VTK source code repository. You can find the VTK source at https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk
Hi Ngwarai, the following error is about “vtkFastLabeledDataMapper” which is a class from the “master” branch of VTK. Perhaps you accidentally downloaded the “master” branch instead of the “release” branch for VTK 9.4.1?
error: GetInput() in vtkFastLabeledDataMapper cannot override GetInput() in vtkPolyDataMapper
public vtkDataSet GetInput()
return type vtkDataSet is not compatible with vtkPolyData
Thanks David, the build down to the java jar is clean as in vtk9.3.1. However the latter failed at load due to missing dll’s which may never have been built. I will try 9.4.1 hoping to pass this hurdle. Will report in the morning tomorrow. Thanks very much.
Good morning David. I see 9.4.1 is officially out. I did get the release version and it built clean. When I tried to run it, there was a load failure due to missing DLL’s. However when I checked, these DLLS’s are actually there on the system. Thus there must be something missing on my system, perhaps a DLL.
I need to find out what it is. I will report back. Thanks very much. I have attached the failure log
Good morning David. The build remains clean on the 9.4.1 official release. However, I’m pretty much stuck on the “api-ms-win-*.dll” load-failure. I have tried to rebuild with
Problem remains. I have no clue what is missing from my system. Will continue to fight on. Thanks
Hi Ngwarai, I’ve never seen that error. Please verify that you have a recent “Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable” package installed on your computer (see “Settings/Apps” image below). In fact, there are usually two (one for x86, and one for x64).
Good afternoon David and thanks for the response. Yes, those two install packages are there but I have specifically never install-run them. Let me do the install and build the system from start, I will report back tomorrow. Thanks very much for the lead. I had no clue about these and was looking in the wrong direction.
Good evening David and thanks for the lead. I installed the two packages and built afresh. However the problem persisted. I am rebuilding again with new cmake parameter settings for the standard windows runtime as in attached.
Good evening David. I have thrown in the towel on 9.4.1 Java. I have tried every suggestion without any luck. But there could be someone out there running 9.4.1 on java who might give clues as to the source of my error.
Good morning David. Ever since vtk_9.4.1 was released, I have been building the RELEASE version with vs 2022. The build was clean but java would not load, never mind run. The loading error suggested missing DLL’s of which I downloaded many in trial and error. Nothing worked and I almost gave up.
I have just built the DEBUG version of it and it LOADS & RUNS! There is obviously something in DEBUG that is missing from RELEASE. No idea what it is but I shall look for it while happily running my new vtk_9.4.1 on Java 8.
Thanks to the team for all the help.