Hi I am interested in knowing if Point Interpolation is possible using VTK.js.
My use case is for CFD data post processing data analysis where I have for example two PolyData objects with similar but not equal meshes and their respective Point Data such as Total Pressure Coefficient.
I am interested in plotting the delta between the two of them.
My current pipeline (in Python) is using vtkPointInterpolator to create a mapped object that I know is “aligned” and can be used to perform a subtraction.
I’m unsure if this is the best course of action but I am wondering if something similar is possible using VTK.js alone?
What do you mean by “similar but not equal meshes”. Do you mean the geometry may be different ?
What we have done in the past with VTK.js is a GPU comparison between 2 views with 2 different meshes with almost identical geometries. The first view is rendered without “shading”, the framebuffer captured and sent to the 2nd view for texture subtraction and rendering on a geometry with “shading” this time.
Of course the camera should be synchronized between the views, and the geometry between the meshes very similar but it is quite fast (because GPU).
@finetjul I mean exactly what you said, they are CFD results. The goal is to compare between two similar but different geometries of a car. They could be in the form of 2D slices or surfaces.
Currently we have a server-side solution that does point interpolation between the two meshes using vtkPointInterpolator and a shepard’s kernel to find the nearest point on the geometry to compare. This is a slow process for us. So even just using something like that on the server would be a massive improvement.
The reason I was looking into frontend interpolation is because I am running an experiment on moving our backend code from Python to Rust and then do client-side rendering. But that’s another story ahah.
What you said seems very, very interesting. Is there an example that I can have a look at? I would be super interested in understanding how to achieve that.