Colors of vtkAnnotatedCubeActor faces (with vtkOrientationMarkerWidget)

Hi Marco!

The best solution I could think of is to compose the letters from the vtkAnnotatedCubeActor with a basic cube actor of the same size with colored faces. In order to do that, you should:

  1. Hide the annotated cube faces by setting it’s opacity property to 0
  2. Create an array to hold the six colors for the faces
  3. Create a actor based on the vtkCubeSource setting its CellData Scalars to use the color array
  4. Merge the vtkAnnotatedCubeActor and colored actor using vtkPropAssembly
  5. Use the vtkPropAssembly output as your marker for the vtkOrientationMarkerWidget

I tried to simplify the coloring part, to avoid difficulties for you to choose what colors go in what faces:

  vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnsignedCharArray> face_colors = vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnsignedCharArray>::New();
  unsigned char face_x_plus[3]  = { 255,0,0 };
  unsigned char face_x_minus[3] = { 0,255,0 };
  unsigned char face_y_plus[3]  = { 0,0,255 };
  unsigned char face_y_minus[3] = { 255,255,0 };
  unsigned char face_z_plus[3]  = { 0,255,255 };
  unsigned char face_z_minus[3] = { 255,0,255 };

Anyways, follow attached the modified example I made to test it. main.cpp (4.6 KB)

Hope this is useful.
Have a fruitful week!

Rodrigo Figueiredo.

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