We are trying to convert 3D numpy array into VTK polydata file to be used in three.js vtk loader which only supports polydata file.
When we generated vtk file using ITK-SNAP we could load it to vtk loader. However, when we used following code we generated .vtk file but it is not loading to vtk loader and we are getting unsupported dataset type structured points. What could be the reason? Where we are going wrong?
Thanks for your help. We updated the code as per suggestions. We could generate vtk file now and load it into three.js vtkloader. However, the edges are not smooth. We are getting imperfect image because of the rugged edges. Then, we used smoothing functions that come with vtk and generated the .vtk file. But image is not loading to three.js vtkloader.
The best option is to smooth the mask image before applying vtkMarchingCubes. This generally gives better results than smoothing the polydata afterwards.
So I would suggest converting the image to floating-point, smoothing it, and then contouring it with an isovalue that is exactly halfway between the min and max values in the mask. Some masks have a range of [0,1], while others have a range of [0,255].
Standard deviation is in voxel units, e.g. this sets the standard deviation to 1.2 times the voxel size
Set the isovalue according to the range of the mask image: 0.5 for [0,1], or 127.5 for [0,255].
Regarding the problem with the saved data: it’s due to this code:
You haven’t called Update() on your vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter, so the writer is writing the data before the data is ready. There is information on this discussion list and elsewhere on the differences between SetInputData() vs. SetInputConnection() and how they effect VTK pipeline execution.
Edit: fixed Note 1 regarding units of StandardDeviation
But still there is a problem. We are unable to load the smooth image into three.js. It looks same as earlier which has rough surface as shown in the attached file.
import * as THREE from 'three';
import { TrackballControls } from 'three/addons/controls/TrackballControls.js';
import { VTKLoader } from 'three/ addons/loaders/VTKLoader.js';
const loader_1 = new VTKLoader();
loader_1.load( './file_ed.vtk', function ( geometry ) {
const material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { color: 0x00ff00 } );
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
scene.add( mesh );
Since the rendered data is colored, my guess is that the .vtk file has scalar values associated with the points in the dataset.
Try adding the following line of code for marching cubes, so that it doesn’t add scalars to the data:
Edit: It looks like you are setting the color to green ( { color: 0x00ff00 } ) so maybe the scalars aren’t the problem. But try turning them off anyway, just in case.
You are right David. The problem is with three.js. A vtk file obtained from Simple ITK also shows rough surface when loaded using three.js. We need to figure out the problem.
Just a few more questions. How to make the image semitransparent using vtk? Can we use vtk libraries to make mesh plot or dot plot?
Your guidance helped a lot to come to this point. Before we asked the question in the vtk forum, we searched a lot but didn’t find much help.
Thank you so very much and wishing you all the best for your future endeavor.
Finally, we could dig into the problem. The problem is with the vtk version. vtk file generated with older version that is 6.3.0 can be loaded into three.js without any problem. However, when it is created using vtk 9.1.0 version or higher it is showing discontinuous and rough surface.
We created two versions of vtk file using different versions of ITK-SNAP. ITK-SNAP 3.8.0 which uses vtk 6.3.0 generates the the vtk image which can be loaded into three.js vtk loader and it appears smooth and continuous. While the vtk image generated using ITK-SNAP 4.0.1 which uses vtk 9.1.0 shows discontinuous and rough surface.
The vtk files generated using 6.3.0 or 9.1.0 can be seen in paraview without any problem. It is the three.js which is not supporting vtk file generated with 9.1.0 version.
Thanks for the link. vtk converted to vtp can seen in that link which shows smooth rendering.
Regarding your other questions, yes, it is possible to make an image semitransparent in VTK either by using the alpha channel (RGBA rendering), or by calling SetOpacity(alpha) on the image property, using an alpha between 0 and 1.
VTK provides multiple ways of doing mesh and dot plots, depending on the requirements. The vtkAxisActor and vtkCubeAxesActor are also useful for showing gridlines for 3D plots.
We are now trying to implement vtk.js using CDN. Actor and mapper are imported successfully. Which reader is used to read vtp file and how to import using CDN?