Error importing vtkTkRenderWindowInteractor in vtk 8.2.0

The Qt settings are independent of the Tk settings.

From what you describe, it seems that VTK 8.2 has some config bugs related to Tk. You will probably have to add VTK_USE_TK:BOOL=ON directly to your CMakeLists.txt file (or run cmake with -DVTK_USE_TK:BOOL=ON). Let me know if that works.

I just tested VTK 8.2 on my own mac (using the system Python and Tcl, though).
VTK_USE_TK didn’t appear at first, but it appeared after I enabled VTK_Group_Tk.
The detected TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY were incorrect, so I had to set them manually.

After that, the build succeeded and the vtkTkRenderWindowInteractor tests worked.

Thank you. I will try that tomorrow. :grinning:

Hi, David,

It still does not work. the error message is same as last time. By the way, where is the TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY?
I did not see them in the configuration.

Here are the screenshots of my current configuration.

The TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY are advanced options, so you’ll see them if you toggle the advanced mode (or open CMakeCache.txt in a text editor).

If VTK is using /usr/bin/python (the system Python), then it will need to link to Apple’s Tcl/Tk 8.5 (e.g. /System/Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/Tcl and /System/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Tk).

If VTK is using a different Python, then it will probably require Tcl/Tk 8.6.

You’ll also have to turn on VTK_WRAP_PYTHON.
The libvtkRenderingPythonTkWidgets-8.2.dylib will not be built unless VTK_WRAP_PYTHON and VTK_USE_TK are both ON.

Hi, David

Thank you so much for your help. After I turn on VTK_WRAP_PYTHON, I can see VTK_USE_TK in the list of parameters. And now I can find the file under the VTK-build folder.

One more question, how could I let anaconda know now it should use the new built vtk, instead of the previous one build from conda?


Well, I’m confused about why you’re calling it “” instead of “libvtkRenderingPythonTkWidgets-8.2.dylib”. You are still working on OS X, aren’t you? Be sure to test vtkTkRenderWindowInteractor before going any further.

It might be possible to replace the VTK libraries etc. that conda installed with the ones that you built, by setting CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX appropriately and then doing make install. You’ll definitely want to have a backup ready, though.

Hi, David,

Thank you very much for your help all these days.
Previously, I was building vtk in ubuntu, and it succeeded importing “vtkTkRenderWindowInteractor”. And the new error message is about, not libvtkRenderingPythonTkWidgets-8.2.dylib.

Now I am repeating the process on my Mac. The missing file in the error message is libvtkRenderingPythonTkWidgets-8.2.dylib. When I did make, it succeeded. And I can also find the libvtkRenderingPythonTkWidgets-8.2.dylib in the lib of my vtk install folder. But then, when I was doing make install, I got the following error.

error: /Applications/ no LC_RPATH load command with path: /Users/julievon/anaconda2/envs/vtk/lib found in: /Users/julievon/anaconda2/envs/vtk/bin/vtkpython (for architecture x86_64), required for specified option “-delete_rpath /Users/julievon/anaconda2/envs/vtk/lib”

error: /Applications/ no LC_RPATH load command with path: /Users/julievon/anaconda2/lib found in: /Users/julievon/anaconda2/envs/vtk/bin/vtkpython (for architecture x86_64), required for specified option “-delete_rpath /Users/julievon/anaconda2/lib”

Is there any parameter I set wrong?

Following is the cmake configuration.


Hi Julie,

Use “otool -l” to check to see how the paths are set in the vtkpython executable. When “make install” runs, the “-delete_rpath” is used to remove any paths that point to the build tree. So it’s strange to see “-delete_rpath /Users/julievon/anaconda2/lib”, since this path is in the install tree. I don’t see anything wrong with your cmake configuration. This could be a conflict of sorts between the VTK that you are installing, and the VTK installed by conda.

You could try restoring the anaconda vtk from backup, and then manually copy just “libvtkRenderingPythonTkWidgets-8.2.dylib” to the “site-packages” within the anaconda directory tree. Here, again, “otool -l” can be used to check to see what libraries it links to.

Hi David,

Thank you so much for your help, always.

I still can not make it. It nearly drove me crazy. I tried many combinations by tuning the parameters. And to make the environment clean, I uninstalled all the vtk packages previously installed via conda or pip. It still failed. But I also have some progress.

It failed when I “import vtk”, it seems the files are not installed in the correct place. Then I tried to find the difference with the bin&include&lib files between conda-install and source-install, I found the later one put the vtkmodules folder and under /lib/python2.7/site-packages, but not /lib/python3.6/site-packages. After I copy these files to /lib/python3.6/site-packages, “import vtk” succeeded. However when I try to run the code which includes vtkTkRenderWindowInteractor, the program crashed, shown as below.

Another interesting thing: if I directly use the stable vtk version 8.2, I can successfully “import vtk”, after building, it does not make any mistake of python version (2.7 vs 3.6). However, the same thing is: when I try to run the code which includes vtkTkRenderWindowInteractor, the program crashed.

Do you know what the possible root cause is?

Thank you very much.


A crash like this often suggests that a library that was linked at compile time doesn’t match the library that gets linked at runtime. The stack trace suggests that the Tk library is the one causing the problem. Make sure that the “” mentioned is linking to the same libtk and libtcl as “libvtkRenderingPythonTkWidgets-8.2.dylib” (use “otool -l” to do the check). Also make sure that this matches the libtk and libtcl in your cmake config.

One suspicious thing about the stack trace is that it references both “Tcl” and “libtcl8.6.dylib” as tcl libraries. When it references “Tcl”, it means the framework Tcl (i.e. in /Library/Frameworks or /System/Library/Frameworks) but when it references “libtcl.8.6.dylib” it means a tcl installed somewhere else, e.g. a tcl that is part of anaconda.

Hi, David

The result of “otool -l” is as below.

And the related cmake config is as below:

Since I want to use the virtual environment(…/anaconda2/envs/vtk-8.2.1) in anaconda, how should I set these parameters?

Thank you sooooooo much.



You have to give “otool -l” the path to a library or executable:

otool -l <object file>

See “man otool” for more information.

Hi, David

I just read the description of otool command. But I am really newbie on this kind of thing. I am still feel lost. Could you give me some hints of which library (or executable) should I check? “ libvtkRenderingPythonTkWidgets-8.2.dylib ”? And what information should I find in the result?

By the way, “ ” is under “ ../anaconda2/envs/vtk-8.2.1/lib/python3.6/lib-dyload ” .


Check and libvtkRenderingPythonTkWidgets-8.2.dylib to see what tcl and tk libraries they link to at runtime.

Hi, David,

They do link to different Tcl and Tk. Then how should I configure cmake?

The result is as below:

  1. libvtkRenderingPythonTkWidgets-8.2.dylib :

  1. :


Change the cmake settings so that VTK uses the same libtcl and libtk that _tkinter links to (of course, make sure that VTK uses the tcl/tk include directories that match those same libraries!)

The output from otool shows that _tkinter links to @rpath/libtk8.6.dylib, and it will also show what LC_RPATH is set to, so that will give you the full path to libtk8.6.dylib and libtcl8.6.dylib.

After rebuilding, you might also have to set the LC_RPATH in libvtkRenderingPythonTkWidgets-8.2.dylib so that it matches the LC_RPATH used by the anaconda _tkinter. On OS X, the program install_name_tool can be used to manipulate paths that are embedded within libraries and executables.

Do a google of “dylib rpath” for an introduction to the wonderful world of rpaths and how they can be used.

Hi David,

The problem is solved, like magic!
I don’t know how to express my gratitude! Thank you soooooooooo much.
Best regards,

Nice! Let me breathe a little sigh of relief…