Failed to run in CentOS 07 system

Good morning forum!
Firstly, thank you for developing Trame which is an excellent web framework. I have been learning about your framework recently and it has run smoothly on the Windows system. However, when I reconfigured the code and environment for execution in the CentOS 7 system, the following error occurred:

May I ask how I can solve it?

Can you list your trame versions within your Python environment between your Windows setup and Linux?

pip list | grep trame

Also do you have any other error in the browser console?

Firstly, I am very sorry for not reading the message in the past two days and thank you for your reply. The following two images are the corresponding versions of Trame in Windows and Linux systems. After running, no other errors were prompted.


When I run the simplest example shown in the figure below, the above error occurs and I can visit the website locally, but the vtk images cannot be seen.

This is really strange. Do you have any error in your browser console?

Also can you try to run the following command and do you get it working?

python -m --port 1234

[quote=“Sebastien Jourdain (Kitware), post:4, topic:12556, username:Sebastien_Jourdain”]

Thank you for your reply. My browser did not prompt for any other errors. The result is also the same.
python -m --port 1234

Let me try other ways.

Another error occurred