I’m running vtk.js 20.0.
I have a polydata p. I first build the cells: p.buildCells()
Then I try to get a Cell: p.getCell(0)
And I get the error: CELL_FACTORY[cellInfo.cellType] is undefined
My cell Type is VTK_QUAD
When looking at PolyData.js I notice that this cell type and most cell types do not appear in CELL_FACTORY:
var CELL_FACTORY = (_CELL_FACTORY = {}, _defineProperty(_CELL_FACTORY, CellType.VTK_LINE, vtkLine), _defineProperty(_CELL_FACTORY, CellType.VTK_POLY_LINE, vtkLine), _defineProperty(_CELL_FACTORY, CellType.VTK_TRIANGLE, vtkTriangle), _CELL_FACTORY); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
So am I missing something or is it that vtk.js only supports lines and triangles so far when using getCell ?
Thank you