You should expect small errors in some results, because floating-point arithmetic has finite precision. However, for double
the error should be much smaller than what you saw. I think that you found a bug. The VTK python wrappers seem to convert the numbers to float
when vtkMatrix4x4.MultiplyPoint()
is called. Because of this, only single-precision is used instead of double-precision. I will file a bug report so that this will be fixed.
For now, please use vtkMatrix4x4.MultiplyDoublePoint()
instead of vtkMatrix4x4.MultiplyPoint()
. This will force the use of double-precision.
Use vtkMatrix4x4.MultiplyDoublePoint()
and the error will be much smaller. But it will not always be zero, because floating-point math is not exact.
Yes. If reslice.SetOutputDimensionality(2)
is used, then the z of the output pixels is always zero. If reslice.SetOutputDimensionality(3)
is used, then z can be anything.
I recommend that you try vtkImageReslice without SetAutoCropOutput(True)
and without SetOutputDimensionality(2)
. If you do this, you can set the OutputOrigin
to zero, which will simplify the transformations. The following code shows the necessary changes to the ResliceAxes matrix elements:
reslice = vtk.vtkImageReslice()
# choose your own output dimensions
import math
angle = math.pi/4
x = [math.cos(angle),math.sin(angle),0.0]
y = [-math.sin(angle),math.cos(angle),0.0]
z = [0.0,0.0,1.0]
# the center of the slice in input coordinates
center = [255.5, 255.5, 40.0]
# the center of the slice in output coordinates
ss = [255.5, 255.5, 0.0]
axialElement = [
x[0], y[0], z[0], center[0] - ss[0]*x[0] - ss[1]*y[0] - ss[2]*z[0],
x[1], y[1], z[1], center[1] - ss[0]*x[1] - ss[1]*y[1] - ss[2]*z[1],
x[2], y[2], z[2], center[2] - ss[0]*x[2] - ss[1]*y[2] - ss[2]*z[2],
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0