How to ensure that the browser is using WebGL to render instead of WebGPU?

My code is running well untill microsoft edge and Google chrome are updated to version 113 which automatically turns on WebGPU. This even makes tubefilter actors invisible and so many other functions which did well on WebGL go wrong now.
My code still works on Firefox with WebGL but I want to figure out how can I ensure that the browser is using WebGL to render instead of WebGPU so my code can still works on browsers of the latest version.

We just released a patch to vtk.js version 27 that defaults to WebGL on latest Chrome + Edge. You can upgrade to v27.4.2. If you are using vtk.js < 27 and can’t upgrade, we will be backporting the fix soon.

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Thanks a lot! After I update to vtk.js v27.4.4, my code works as expected on latest Edge!