I’m pretty sure that TexGen only needs the VTK libraries, and not the vtk program. The default build of VTK doesn’t include the vtk program because almost nobody uses the vtk program (it’s just a legacy shell).
My suggestion is to go ahead with the TexGen build instructions now.
Hi, Apologies for the delayed response. The delay was primarily due to limitations as a new user in the VTK forum, which restricted me from sending messages.
Thank you so much for helping me build and install VTK 6.3. However, I am now facing another issue. While building the TexGen source code, I encountered an error related to the io.h file not being found (also attached screen short of appeared error message while building TexGen). The error message is included below for reference.
Kindly let me know your guidance on resolving this issue. Thank you in advance.
Please direct any TexGen questions to the TexGen developers, hopefully they will be able to help you.
I will also offer some advice about posting on this, or any other, forum: always proofread carefully and be certain of what you are saying before you post, and minimize the amount of editing that you do after posting.
Thank you for your response, but I couldn’t find any relevant forums for TexGen other than GitHub, where I originally downloaded the source code, to discuss this compilation issue with Ubuntu. I have already posted some questions related to TexGen there, but there has been no update from them. Please let me know if there are any other relevant forums where I can find a solution to this problem.