Hi, I am trying to find out the intersection of a ConvexHull2D and a line using vtkPolyData and vtkLineSource objects with the help of vtkIntersectionPolyDataFilter as shown below:
intFilter = vtk.vtkIntersectionPolyDataFilter()
intFilter.SetInputData(0, hullPolyData)
intFilter.SetInputData(1, line.GetOutput())
And I get the following error:
vtkMath.cxx:797 WARN| vtkMath::Jacobi: Error extracting eigenfunctions
vtkPointLocator.cxx:868 ERR| vtkPointLocator (0000024158EED9A0): No points to subdivide
vtkIntersectionPolyData:2410 WARN| No Intersection between objects
What am I missing here. They both lie in the XY plane and I see them intersecting when I render.