When I run a python program (use vtk) in my pc, it works successfully, however, when I post it on my server then comes with this error, does anybody knows how to fix it?
Thanks so much! I truly have no idea with this.
2022-02-14 08:12:09.970 ( 41.609s) [ A172F640] vtkShaderProgram.cxx:452 ERR| vtkShaderProgram (0x7f239c710280): 1:
2: #version 140
3: #ifdef GL_ES
5: precision highp float;
6: precision highp sampler2D;
7: precision highp sampler3D;
8: #else
9: precision mediump float;
10: precision mediump sampler2D;
11: precision mediump sampler3D;
12: #endif
13: #define texelFetchBuffer texelFetch
14: #define texture1D texture
15: #define texture2D texture
16: #define texture3D texture
17: #else // GL_ES
18: #define highp
19: #define mediump
20: #define lowp
21: #if __VERSION__ == 150
22: #define texelFetchBuffer texelFetch
23: #define texture1D texture
24: #define texture2D texture
25: #define texture3D texture
26: #endif
27: #endif // GL_ES
28: #define varying in
30: in vec2 texCoord;
31: uniform sampler2DMS tex;
32: uniform int samplecount;
33: out vec4 fragOutput0;
36: void main()
37: {
38: float gamma = 2.2;
40: // for each sample in the multi sample buffer...
41: ivec2 itexcoords = ivec2(floor(textureSize(tex) * texCoord));
42: vec3 accumulate = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0);
43: float alpha = 0.0;
45: for (int i = 0; i < samplecount; i++)
46: {
47: vec4 sample = texelFetch(tex, itexcoords, i);
48: // apply gamma correction and sum
49: accumulate += pow(sample.rgb, vec3(gamma));
50: alpha += sample.a;
51: }
53: // divide and reverse gamma correction
54: accumulate /= float(samplecount);
55: fragOutput0 = vec4(pow(accumulate, vec3(1.0/gamma)), alpha/float(samplecount));
56: }
2022-02-14 08:12:09.970 ( 41.609s) [ A172F640] vtkShaderProgram.cxx:453 ERR| vtkShaderProgram (0x7f239c710280): 0:31(22): error: syntax error, unexpected NEW_IDENTIFIER, expecting '{'
2022-02-14 08:12:09.970 ( 41.609s) [ A172F640]vtkOpenGLVertexArrayObj:265 ERR| vtkOpenGLVertexArrayObject (0x7f239ccf3e20): attempt to add attribute without a program for attribute ndCoordIn
2022-02-14 08:12:09.970 ( 41.609s) [ A172F640]vtkOpenGLQuadHelper.cxx:62 WARN| Error binding ndCoords to VAO.
2022-02-14 08:12:09.970 ( 41.609s) [ A172F640]vtkOpenGLRenderWindow.c:1102 ERR| vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x7f239c066830): Couldn't build the shader program for resolving msaa.