Orient cones same direction as TubeFilter


This might be a newbie question as I’m only getting started. Please excuse me.

My goal is to create a “dimension” line that is made of a line and two cones, one at each end of the line that point at two given points (point A, point B).
I thought of creating the line by using a TubeFilter that takes in a polydata holding the two points, then two vtkConeSource referring to the arrows.
I’m struggling to orient the cones with the TubeFilter. Here is my progress:

function initializePolyData(pointA, pointB) {
    const numSegments = 1;
    let pointType = VtkDataTypes.FLOAT;
    const polyData = vtkPolyData.newInstance();
    const points = vtkPoints.newInstance({ dataType: pointType });
    points.setNumberOfPoints(numSegments + 1);
    const pointData = new Float32Array([...model.pointA, ...model.pointB]);

    const verts = new Uint32Array(2 * (numSegments + 1));
    const lines = new Uint32Array(numSegments + 2);
    lines[0] = numSegments + 1;
    const scalarsData = new Float32Array(numSegments + 1);
    const scalars = vtkDataArray.newInstance({
      name: "Scalars",
      values: scalarsData,

    for (let i = 0; i < numSegments + 1; ++i) {
      scalarsData[i] = i;
      verts[i] = 1;
      verts[i + 1] = i;
      lines[i + 1] = i;

    return polyData;

const polyData = initializePolyData(model.pointA, model.pointB);
    // Create line tube
    const tube = vtkTubeFilter.newInstance({
      capping: false,
      numberOfSides: 1,
      radius: model.shaftRadius,
    // Create cones that will be used as "arrows"
    const lowerCone = vtkConeSource.newInstance({
      resolution: model.tipResolution,
      height: model.tipLength,
      radius: model.tipRadius,
    const upperCone = vtkConeSource.newInstance({
      resolution: model.tipResolution,
      height: model.tipLength,
      radius: model.tipRadius,
   const tubeDirection = [tubeNormals[0], tubeNormals[1], tubeNormals[2]];
    let rotationAxisY = [null, null, null];
    vtkMath.cross([0, 1, 0], tubeDirection, rotationAxisY);
    const rotationAngle = vtkMath.angleBetweenVectors([0, 1, 0], tubeDirection);
    // Extract data to operate on
    const tubePD = tube.getOutputData();
    const tubePts = tubePD.getPoints();
    const tubeNormals = tubePD.getPointData().getNormals().getData();
    const upperConePD = upperCone.getOutputData();
    const upperConePts = upperConePD.getPoints().getData();
    const lowerConePD = lowerCone.getOutputData();
    const lowerConePts = lowerConePD.getPoints().getData();

    // Apply transformation to the upper cone
      .rotateFromDirections([0, 1, 0], rotationAxisY)
      .scale(1, 1, 1)

const append = vtkAppendPolyData.newInstance();
    // Upper cone
    // Lower cone
    // append.addInputData(lowerConePD);

Cones are not oriented towards the point

I also thought about using a Glyph3DMapper, but it doesn’t have the SetVectorModeToUseNormal function in order to orient the cone according to the normal of the tubeFilter output.