ParaView or VTK.js or ITK - Which One is Best for Web DICOM Viewing?

Hi All,

I’m trying to develop a medical DICOM based imaging storage and viewing system using Oracle JDeveloper which is a Java EE framework for enterprise applications development. I found VTK a remarkable library so far based on the type of features it offers. However, I’m still confused which particular offering shall I choose to move ahead with this development. The major reason is myself being naive with these libraries.

Can some advise which one is the most scalable and complete choice for developing efficient web systems that can render DICOM based medical imaging through browsers?

Your guidance will be very much appreciated.

Many Thanks and

Kind Regards,

@timt @Forrest @Sebastien_Jourdain Can you advise?

I guess the first question I would have is where do you want the data to be rendered (local vs remote)?

For local, that means you will need to send the data over the network while remote would require GPU on the server side.

Also, are you looking at volume rendering or just 2D slices? With some more background we should be able to guide you better.

I want data to be rendered on a remote GPU server and I am look at volume rendering as 3D objects.

You can start with a ParaViewWeb application like Visualizer. It is not medical oriented but that should give you a good start.

Which you can easily run locally via a ParaView binaries following this.

For multi-user setup, you can use our docker images.

Then with some development you can build your own UI and control for data processing and rendering.



Here is an example on how to read a DICOM Series: