Hi everyone,
I’ve done with the cpr function for a long time and recently finished a demo which almost meet the demand of efficiency based on webgl shader, then I saw that vtk added an ImageCPRMapper in recent updates which is close to my work. But the example of it is bind to a widget, so I’m trying to seperate it from the widget by doing:
- Give it a vtkImageData as input 0.
- Give it a vtkPolyData as input 1 which has a point data for center positions and a dataArray for points’ orientations.
- Set it as a mapper for a vtkImageSlice and put it to a renderWindow.
However, the actor did not show anything, do I need to add any more?
Second is, the api doc mentioned the stretched mode and straightened mode, but I didn’t find the switch, is this decided by the orientation input?
Thanks in advance