Support for RectilinearGrids and StructuredGrids in VTKHDF file format


I’m interested in using RectilinearGrids and StructuredGrids in the VTKHDF format. Since these formats are not currently supported or on the roadmap, I’ve taken a few minutes to translate some simple .vtr and .vts files from XML into what could be a VTKHDF version. The files are quite similar in structure to both the existing ImageData and UnstructuredGrid formats.

Here is the RectilinearGrid example:
rect_example.vtkhdf (20.2 KB)

rect_example.vtr (27.7 KB)

And here is a simple StructuredGrid example:
cylinder_segment.vts (441.6 KB)

cylinder_segment.vtkhdf (172.7 KB)

Hope this helps get the discussion started and a possible definition in place.


Thanks for writing this proposal!

For convenience, here is the hierarchy obtained in the rect_example.vtkhdf:


the original issue regarding this in VTK is here:

Basically, for RectilinearGrid, it follows the structure of the ImageData and adds 3 new datasets X/Y/ZCoordinates to represent the spacing.

@hakostra @danlipsa @mwestphal @Louis_Gombert @cory.quammen wdyt?

Looks very good.

Looks good :slight_smile: