Switch CGNS reader to create PartitionedDataSetCollection instead of MultIBlockDataSets

Currently, the CGNS reader creates MultIBlockDataSets. New tools, like Catalyst2 (conduit source), rely on the new data structure PartitionedDataSetCollection. To align the CGNS source to the Conduit source, I would need CGNS reader to create a PartitionedDataSetCollection.

Currently, we have a second CGNS reader called vtkCONVERGECFDCGNSReader that creates a PartitionedDataSetCollection. I would like to get rid of that reader, as having two CGNS readers goes against the principle of CGNS.

This is a big change and needs community input on the best way forward. Can we switch to PartitionedDataSetCollection in the main CGNS reader? Do we need a legacy tickbox to maintain the creation of MultIBlockDataSets? Is there a better way to do this?

@MicK7 , do you know if this change would impact tools you and your colleagues use? Would it be difficult to update these tools?

The “clean” way to do that is to deprecate the current reader and add a new reader that outputs a the new output type, ideally without code duplication.

I don’t know why we would need to do the switch. In case the switch is done we would require to keep the “patch” and “surface” information and “Family” keys information to adapt our filters.
The patch information is very important for us as it can be used to generate a custom CGNS boundary representation (like it is done for openfoam here: https://www.kitware.com/fastsurfacemultiblockrepresentation-plugin-for-paraview/ ) and make it easier for users to manipulate big meshes interactively.
So I don’t see any blocking points as long as the performance and features are kept.

Thanks for your answer.

Yes, we need “patches” and families as well and intend to keep them.

The main reason we need to update the reader is that we need the CGNS reader to match the “Conduit source”, which is the data coming from Catalyst2. Here is why: The typical way to use Catalyst2 is to load a simulation result file in ParaView (so using the CGNS reader in our case), and setup a post processing pipeline in a similar maner as you would when looking at a result file. That pipeline is then exported in the form of a paraview.simple python script and later executed by ParaView Catalyst when the simulation code runs on the cluster. When Catalyst2 run this pipeline, it replaces the disk reader by the so-called Conduit source, which is the simulation data in VTK data structures. The Conduit source produces PartitionedDataSetCollections, but currently the pipeline would be setup for data in multiblock datasets, since we set it up based on data coming from the CGNS reader.

Lets take an example based on the link provided above. Say I want to work on the inlet. I would typically use the ExtractBlock filter. There is two ways to use the ExtractBlock: A fetch by name and a fetch by path. If I use the fetch by path, it would look something like this:
ExtractBlock(“case.foam/boundary/inlet”, …), which is a path into the multi-block data structure. Because the Conduit source gives us a PartitionedDataSetCollection that may have different paths, this fetch by path might not apply and my pipeline would fail at run time.

Maybe @nicolas.vuaille has insights on aligning the disk readers and the Conduit source and can provide an idea I’m missing.

As a side note, I will mention another advantage of switching the CGNS reader to PartionedDataSetCollections. In this data structure, all the “blocks” are laid out flat next to each other, and an Assembly node is created for hierarchy. This assembly node is a tree of names that lets you organize the data. Here’s what it currently looks like in the CONVERGECFDCGNSReader:

As you can see, it matches the structure you would get with the CGNS reader:

So back to the potential advantage of PartionedDataSetCollections: Because the Assembly is simply a tree of names, it can easily be expanded. In particular, the tree of Family_t that is now possible in CGNS could be implemented in the assembly. I not sure we could do that cleanly with multiblock data sets.

@mwestphal , how do you see the depreciation working name wise? If the depreciated reader keeps the name vtkCGNSReader, what would you recommend calling the new one?

If I had to create a new reader for CGNS, I would go for “vtkPartitionedCGNSReader” and handle mpi partitioning for unstructured grid not only for structured grid like right now. ^^

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