The ultimate "How to make CI work with my fork" guide

  1. Go to your fork :
  2. Click on settings and expand Visibility

  1. Click on Settings, CI/CD and expand General

  1. Rebase your branch in MRs against the last origin master
git fetch gitlab
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout your_branch
git rebase master
  1. Make sure to also pull the tags from origin master to avoid warnings
git fetch origin
git push gitlab --tags

@ben.boeckel feel free to improve

I cannot edit, but there is no reason to close and open a new MR; just amend and force push.

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I keep my fork master in synch with vtk master via pull and push commands from/to the two different repositories. Then I create feature/fix branches off my local master and only rebase them if necessary.

About closing and opening new MRs

Thanks I wasn’t sure about this one.

I keep my fork master in synch with vtk master via pull and push commands from/to the two different repositories. Then I create feature/fix branches off my local master and only rebase them if necessary.

Unrelated ?

With the current Gitlab interface:
2. Click on Settings then General. Expand Visibility
4. I cannot find this menu item anywhere

I can see it on my fork without issue, can you share a screenshot ?

I’m probably going to need to do it from work with a bigger monitor, but at least under the left menu I have:


Indeed. Maybe just dezoom with Ctrl + - ?

Maybe just scroll down :person_facepalming:

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I somewhat blame firefox and its hiding of scrollbars.

To be fair, Firefox is cargo culting this from elsewhere. Not sure why such terrible design decisions seem to be so contagious though.

This guide has been added to the official doc and should soon be available on the website:

@mwestphal thanks for letting me know.