Tools for telemetry monitoring in VTKWeb

Dear All,

I am looking for tools to measure the rendering performance on client side for VTKWeb. For ParaviewWeb-based client there is a class RemoteRendererStatsTable that collects detailed information on performance process ( roundTrip, workTime, deltaT, RenderCount,StaleRenderCount). I was wondering if there is something similar for VTK.js-based client. As far the only tool I found was vtkFPSMonitor, is it a correct one or there are some other more detailed/specialised tools to use?

Thank you very much in advance,
Best regards,

The vtkFPSMonitor is really for the local WebGL rendering not for the remote rendering. But the ViewStream does capture some stats… I think we are just missing the display part…

Thank you very much, ViewStream has all info that I need.

Best regards,