Transitioning from VTK WASM to VTK WebGPU & WebGPU API Deprecation Issue in VTK 9.4.0

Hello everyone,

I am currently using VTK with WASM in my project, and I am considering transitioning to VTK WebGPU in the future. My main concern is whether this transition would be straightforward or if there are major differences that could cause compatibility issues. Would switching the backend to WebGPU be enough, or would I need to make additional changes to my application?

Additionally, I am using VTK 9.4.0 and trying to run the ConeMultiBackend example in Chrome. My browser is fully updated, and I have ensured that WebGPU settings are enabled (via chrome://flags/#enable-unsafe-webgpu). However, I still encounter the following warning:

ConeMultiBackend.js:9 wgpuAdapterGetProperties is deprecated, use wgpuAdapterGetInfo instead

This seems to indicate that VTK WebGPU is using an outdated WebGPU API call (wgpuAdapterGetProperties) that has been replaced with wgpuAdapterGetInfo.

  • Is there a known fix for this issue in VTK 9.4.0?
  • Does this issue persist in the latest VTK development branch?

Any insights or guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance.

hello @yarenakin,

we aim to provide the same api. Few things need to be take in account here:

  • VTK WebGPU is considered (also in master) as highly experimental
  • WebGPU doesn’t have a release currently and api break could often happen, that’s why we don’t bump dawn (the implementation currently used) often so having a deprecated warning doesn’t surprise me

FYI @jaswantp (maybe you have some insights to share here :slightly_smiling_face: )

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VTK replaced wgpuAdapterGetProperties with wgpuAdapterGetInfo sometime after 9.4.0


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