#version must be on the first line in a program and only whitespace are allowed in the declaration

Hello, I would like to know how to solve this problem
I am using VTK9.3
Crash Infomation is as follows:

2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E ERROR: In vtkShaderProgram.cxx, line 442
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E vtkShaderProgram (0x7951e04400): 1:
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 2: #version 300 es
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 3: #ifdef GL_ES
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 4: #ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 5: precision highp float;
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 6: precision highp sampler2D;
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 7: precision highp sampler3D;
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 8: #else
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 9: precision mediump float;
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 10: precision mediump sampler2D;
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 11: precision mediump sampler3D;
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 12: #endif
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 13: #define texelFetchBuffer(a,b) texelFetch(a, Get2DIndexFrom1DIndex(b, textureSize(a, 0)), 0)
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 14: #define texture1D texture
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 15: #define texture2D texture
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 16: #define texture3D texture
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 17: #else // GL_ES
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 18: #define highp
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 19: #define mediump
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 20: #define lowp
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 21: #if VERSION == 150
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 22: #define texelFetchBuffer texelFetch
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 23: #define texture1D texture
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 24: #define texture2D texture
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 25: #define texture3D texture
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 26: #endif
2024-07-17 17:08:04.102 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 27: #endif // GL_ES
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 28: #define varying in
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 29:
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 30: in vec2 texCoord;
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 31: uniform sampler2D tex;
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 32: uniform vec2 texLL;
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 33: uniform vec2 texSize;
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 34:
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 35:
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 36: ivec2 Get2DIndexFrom1DIndex(int idx, ivec2 texSize)
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 37: {
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 38: float w = float(texSize.x);
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 39: float idx_f = float(idx);
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 40: int i = int(mod(idx_f, w));
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 41: int j = (idx - i) / texSize.x;
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 42: return ivec2(i, j);
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 43: }
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 44: void main()
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 45: {
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 46: gl_FragDepth = texture(tex, texCoord*texSize + texLL).r;
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 47: }
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E 48:
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E ERROR: In vtkShaderProgram.cxx, line 443
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E vtkShaderProgram (0x7951e04400): 0:2: P0005: #version must be on the first line in a program and only whitespace are allowed in
the declaration
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E ERROR: In vtkOpenGLVertexArrayObject.cxx, line 255
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E vtkOpenGLVertexArrayObject (0x7951e1e0d0): attempt to add attribute without a program for attribute ndCoordIn
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 W Generic Warning: In vtkOpenGLQuadHelper.cxx, line 60
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 W Error binding ndCoords to VAO.
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 W
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E ERROR: In vtkOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx, line 1261
2024-07-17 17:08:04.103 21795-21863 VTK com.example.vtk2 E vtkEGLRenderWindow (0x7951981400): Couldn’t build the shader program for depth blits