Visualization on the web training course

Kitware will be hosting multiple training courses related to web visualization on April 2025. These trainings are designed for attendees who want to know how to bring their C++ or Python desktop/hpc developments onto the web…

  • April 4th: Introduction to Kitware web technologies: Discover all our tools for the web: VTK.js, VTK.wasm, trame, Glance, VolView, Girder…
  • April 22nd: trame: The powerful Python framework to quickly create web apps by leveraging VTK and ParaView for local or remote rendering.
  • April 25th: VTK.js: The Javascript library for scientific visualization in your browser.

The course will be held remotely or on-site (Lyon, France), from 09h00 to 17h00 CET.

To learn more, visit the course information page here:

If you have any questions, contact the Kitware training team at