Kitware will be hosting multiple training courses related to web visualization on April 2025. These trainings are designed for attendees who want to know how to bring their C++ or Python desktop/hpc developments onto the web…
- April 4th: Introduction to Kitware web technologies: Discover all our tools for the web: VTK.js, VTK.wasm, trame, Glance, VolView, Girder…
- April 22nd: trame: The powerful Python framework to quickly create web apps by leveraging VTK and ParaView for local or remote rendering.
- April 25th: VTK.js: The Javascript library for scientific visualization in your browser.
The course will be held remotely or on-site (Lyon, France), from 09h00 to 17h00 CET.
To learn more, visit the course information page here:
If you have any questions, contact the Kitware training team at