VTK 8.2.0 - come and get it!

For more information check out this kitware blog post.

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Any idea when the Python wheels will land? https://pypi.org/project/vtk/

RC testing turned up incompatibilities between the VTK’s python changes and the wheel building scripts that will likely necessitate an 8.1.1 patch release. So it isn’t clear at all yet when they will be available.

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Conda also has problems to build vtk8.2.0. Help wanted: https://github.com/conda-forge/vtk-feedstock/pull/73

Windows seems to miss some python libraries. Linux seems to has problems with opengl2.

I’d really like for MathText to be enabled (equation rendering using matplotlib) in the latest wheel release.


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I’d also like the Python wheels to be on pypi. Hopefully they can be built and uploaded sometime soon.

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FYI: 8.2.0 is on Conda-forge https://github.com/conda-forge/vtk-feedstock

conda install -c conda-forge vtk

Personally, I’m still using the 8.1.2 wheel on PyPI because 8.2.0 has some hard to deal with conflicts with matplotlib (and we limited PyVista’s VTK dependency because of these issues)

Actually, I switched to conda’s 8.2.0 build of VTK and haven’t experienced any problems over the last month.

any updates on why PyPI is still at 8.1.2? https://pypi.org/project/vtk/

Also, how hard would it be to push dev releases of the VTK wheel to PyPI - like having a conda channel dedicated to building the master branch of VTK proper

Also wondering about wheel for vtk 8.2.0. Any thoughts on when it might be available? (My assumption is that I need 8.2.0 if I’m going to be using PySide2.)

@danielmcquillen The PySide2 support is provided by two Python files:

You can copy those files into an existing VTK 8.1.2 installation in order to get PySide2 support. If that isn’t possible, you can copy QVTKRenderWindowInteractor.py into your own project and import it directly.

Thanks David. Will do. :slight_smile:

Any updates on 8.2 on PyPi? I really appreciate that the wheels are out there, and it would be great to have it for Python 3.8 as well!


I don’t think that will happen. When I tried building 8.2 with Python 3.8, it failed horribly. Apparently some fields in Python objects have changed type (unused ptr fields are now ints or flags), which causes lots of errors in the wrappers. I grabbed the 8.90 head and it builds fine with 3.8, so I’m doing my preliminary Py38 testing with that, probably going to wait for 9.0 though before putting it in production.

It’s now Feb 2020, over 1 year after this original announcement. Can any one suggest when vtk 8.2.0 will be available on PyPi?

Until VTK developers find the time to make VTK available on PyPI, you can use 3D Slicer’s Python environment, which comes with VTK 8.2 preinstalled. It is a standard Python-3.6.7 environment, so you can pip-install any additional packages you need. You don’t need to use Slicer application’s built-in Python console but you can use just a plain Python console. It is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac.

This may not suit my use (as I am trying to freeze my python application), but I didn’t know that. Thanks Andras. I’ll look into it.


Also wanted to mention that vtk wheels, including one for vtk 8.2.0, can be found here: https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#vtk
These can be installed using pip, although are not as convenient as PyPi.


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@michaelhogg : You are welcome to provide funding for the issues or features you care about.

I don’t mean to come across as unappreciative - quite the opposite. I feel that you devs do so much work to release a new version, but then it is not available on PyPi for people to use. As you say, time and funding I guess.

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