VTK 9.4.1 Release

As announced in the VTK 9.4.0 Release release thread, VTK v9.4.1 has been released.

Repository has been tagged.
Tarballs here: https://vtk.org/download/.
Wheels are available on pypi as well: https://pypi.org/project/vtk/9.4.1/

No further patch release is planned at the moment.
See this thread for info about the next minor release: VTK 9.5.0 Release


I just noticed that the VTK 9.4.1 download hash sum has changed.

On 2025-01-08, the SHA512 sum was


(I only recorded the SHA512 unfortunately).

Now the SHA512 is


The SHA256 of the downloaded package matches the one listed on https://vtk.org/download/, so I’m not too worried; but was the package changed after release? I did not see any announcements about that.

Which file specifically ?
Where did you download it from ?

The .tar.gz, downloaded directly from Download | VTK, that is, via this link: https://www.vtk.org/files/release/9.4/VTK-9.4.1.tar.gz.
I’ll check, I should still have the file that produced the other hash sum somewhere.

I found the file downloaded on January 8th, and it matches the current hash from vtk.org.

So I must have somehow noted down the wrong hash sum.

Sorry for the confusion!!!

No worries :slight_smile: