I would like to start up the release process for VTK 9.0. @ben.boeckel and I both think that we need to tie up these loose ends before making the branch.
write the VTK 9 transition guide (documenting things that VTK using applications need to do to upgrade from 8.x).
upgrade @jcfr’s PyPi package building process and VTK’s CMake infrastructure so that we can have pip packages again for 9.x.
Developers are there other high priority items out there that you actively working on that we coordinate the release with?
I’ve tagged all of these in gitlab with the 9.0 milestone. Everyone should feel free to tag other issues and merge requests to make sure they make it into the release.
I’ve got a couple of fixes for iOS and Android that would be good to get into master.
I’ve had issues with PNG on Android that I discussed here but I’m still pretty unsure about merging in changes for third party dependencies. Important to note this is not an issue of VTK building, its an issue of linking when being used by another project which does. Here’s my forked branch of that with the key change.
Sorry for the confusion, I meant to upgrade and keep adios2 v2.5.0 uniform across the CI. My understanding from @ben.boeckel input is since the tests are failing the readers will be removed from VTK master (hence the release), which makes perfect sense.
Removal from the codebase? No. I was talking about removing them from the buildbot builders so that other MRs can rely on the red/green status being their problem .