Hi guys,
I’m playing with vtk.js in order to better understand it, however I’m currently facing some issues and I certainly can benefit from your help. I would like to do something along the file of:
- A vtkDataset is loaded in A. The user wants to apply a certain operation on it
- A sends a request to a given endpoint in backend B via HTTP, along with the vtkDataset that needs to be manipulated
- Backend B applies the transformation of interest to the dataset
- Final vtkDataset is sent back to A, so that it can be shown to the user
In order to do that easily I created a small backend in node.js and I’m using as frontend A paraview-glance just to avoid reimplementing everything from scratch.
In particular I tried to make an HTTP request once the user click on the “Blur image” button, that can be seen in Tools > Median filter after loading an image (I’m currently using the Covid-19 demo data for this test).
Once the button is clicked, the function runBlur()(from line 146) is called and ideally I would like to move most of its logic in a backend.
However I’m facing problems with the serialization of the vtkDataset, as it returns a nearly empty object, as PointData, CellData and FieldData all have an empty array.
This is how I am serializing the dataset, before sending it to the backend:
// Get the vtkDataset
const ds = this.targetImage.getDataset();
// Serialize data
const serializer = vtkSerializer.getSerializer(ds);
const arrayHandler = vtkSerializer.vtkArraySerializer.newInstance();
const serializedImg = serializer.serialize(ds, arrayHandler);
//just for debugging
I also tried to deserialize the serializedImg and logging it fter serializing it, just to exclude issues in the communication between frontend and backend, using the following code:
const deserializer = vtkSerializer.getDeserializer(serializedImg);
const deserializedImg = deserializer.deserialize(serializedImg, arrayHandler);
This leads to an error as I get that deserializer is undefined. If I understood correctly this is due to the fact that vtk.js is unable to infer the actual deserializer that is needed based on serializedImg value.
If I try to circumvent this error by using the following code:
const deserializedImg = serializer.deserialize(serializedImg, arrayHandler);
I get as error:
Cannot create vtkDataArray object without: size > 0, values
In case you were wondering I tried to actually see the pointData array, using the following instruction:
const pointData = ds.getPointData().getScalars().getData();
and in the console I can see the actual data, so that the problem seems to be in how data is converted from vtkDataset to JSON.
I have developed in the past some Rest APIs using Python and Java, however this is the first time I’m doing it in Javascript, using vtk.js for manipulating data, so I do not know how to move forward.
Do you have any how to accomplish my initial goal of passing vtkDataset from A to B (and viceversa) using Rest APIs? Is the use of serialize and deserialize correct or is there a better way to move data using classing HTTP requests?
Thanks in advance, I wish you all a nice day!