VTK Trame Docker Setup

Please explain what you’ve done not just what you see.

Like before I created a trame template application using CookieCutter and chosen App with Components. Then I build the vue-components as mentioned in README. They built successfully. Next I built the docker scripts for server i.e. build_server.sh. Next I ran it using run_server.sh. In that I was getting that timeout error. So as per your suggestion

I added trame part in my apps.yml file. I rebuilt the server directory and ran the application again following same steps. This time I was able to view cone example in browser on the host machine on url http://localhost:8080/volume-viewer.html. I tried accessing same from another machine using url is the IP of host machine on which docker is deployed. On accessing this URL I got the error that I shared.

Original apps.yml

PyWebVue: # Default app under /index.html
  app: volume-viewer
volume-viewer: # /volume-viewer.html
  app: volume-viewer

Modified apps.yml file content

PyWebVue: # Default app under /index.html
  app: volume-viewer
volume-viewer: # /volume-viewer.html
  app: volume-viewer

    - volume_viewer.module
  app: volume_viewer

Only saw some error in launcherLog.log which I also share in previous post.

So you are connecting remotely to the same docker process that you started from run_server.sh? And when the request for starting the trame app is coming from a different host, the same command line within the docker image is failing? What is the content of that failing session log?

Yes I’m accessing same docker process from different machine on same network. I can access it from local host machine but not from remote machine. Session log file is generated but it’s blank.

I don’t understand why the exact same command line within docker works (for local requests) and fails (for remote requests) unless there is a difference that I’m not aware of.

So, is the following correct:

The situation is as follows:

Where is the IP of host machine on which docker is deployed.

And by “Does not work”, you mean that you get the exact same error “The process did not properly start” or do you get some other kind of error (like not able to reach the docker endpoint)?

Also what about:

  • os: Windows / Linux / Mac
  • app: The untouched one from cookiecutter [ ] yes / [ ] no
  • network: firewall, open port, ?

Here are error details

  • IP is automatically assigned to docker virtual interface docker0 created with docker installation. Network IP of the host is and that of remote machine is

Further details:

  • os: Windows (Remote machine) / Linux (Docker Host)
  • app: The untouched one from cookiecutter - yes
  • network: - 8080 port allowed in firewall of docker host machine

Can you post the generated file inside ./bundles/docker/server/launcher.conf?

There’s a file launcher.json whose content is as below:

  "configuration": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 9000,
    "endpoint": "paraview",
    "log_dir": "/deploy/server/logs/launcher",
    "proxy_file": "/opt/trame/proxy-mapping.txt",
    "sessionURL": "ws://USE_HOST/proxy?sessionId=${id}&path=ws",
    "timeout": 25,
    "sanitize": {},
    "fields": []
  "resources": [
      "host": "",
      "port_range": [
  "properties": {},
  "apps": {
    "PyWebVue": {
      "cmd": [
      "ready_line": "App running at"
    "volume-viewer": {
      "cmd": [
      "ready_line": "App running at"
    "trame": {
      "cmd": [
      "ready_line": "App running at"

Great, I think I know why it is not working.

Are you sure you are adding volume-viewer.html at the end of all URLs?
If so, you have a caching issue on your local machine as it should not work either. (just a browser thing)

The way to fix that and have to work is by replacing

"trame": {
      "cmd": [


"trame": {
      "cmd": [

This is driven by the ./setup/apps.yaml that you modified by using a _ instead of a -.

docker pull kitware/trame
cookiecutter gh:Kitware/trame-cookiecutter

   You've downloaded /Users/sebastien.jourdain/.cookiecutters/trame-cookiecutter before. Is it okay to delete and re-download it? [yes]: 
   project_name [Trame App]: 
   Select project_type:
   1 - App
   2 - App with Components
   3 - Components
   Choose from 1, 2, 3 [1]: 2
   author [Trame Developer]: 
   short_description [An example Trame application]: 
   Select license:
   1 - BSD License
   2 - MIT License
   3 - ISC License (ISCL)
   4 - Apache Software License
   5 - GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)
   6 - Other
   Choose from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 [1]: 
   include_continuous_integration [y]: 
   package_name [trame-app]: 
   import_name [trame_app]: 

cd trame-app/vue-components
npm i
npm run build
cd ../bundles/docker


Then connecting with my external IP.

Then for the network flow and content validation

And response from launcher

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Thanks @Sebastien_Jourdain. My bad :zipper_mouth_face:. While updating apps.yml I used _ as app name was given like that only. Didn’t noticed other fields had - in it. It worked after making that changes. Thanks for your support.

Will now try converting my existing trame application into docker deployable format.

Glad it is working. Usually we use - for executable name and package name but in Python the import path can only have _ and that is why we have some difference.

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