vtkSMPThreadLocal abstract types

Hi Developers

I have been using vtkSMPThreadLocal and vtkSMPThreadLocalObject to some extent and always with a great speed-up.

The snippets below are used for a collection of fast registration algorithms for vtkPolyData. The plan is to make them work for vtkPointSets in general.

Question: How to handle vtkSMPThreadLocal for abstract classes?

First the non-working code

template <typename TPointsArray, typename TVectorArray>
struct Functor
  struct vtkLocalDataType2
    TPointsArray* Origins;
    TPointsArray* Landmarks;
    TVectorArray* Normals;
    int LastIndex;
      : Origins(nullptr)
      , Landmarks(nullptr)
      , Normals(nullptr)

  vtkSMPThreadLocalObject<TPointsArray> TLOrigins;
  vtkSMPThreadLocalObject<TPointsArray> TLLandmarks;
  vtkSMPThreadLocalObject<TVectorArray> TLNormals;
  vtkSMPThreadLocal<int> TLLastIndex;
  vtkSMPThreadLocal<vtkLocalDataType2> LocalData;

  TPointsArray* Points;
  TPointsArray* Origins;
  TPointsArray* Landmarks;
  TVectorArray* Normals;
  vtkIdType Step;
  vtkSpsImplicitPolyDataDistance* Locator;
  vtkPolyDataCorrespondenceFilter* Filter;

  Functor(TPointsArray* points, TPointsArray* origins, TPointsArray* landmarks,
    TVectorArray* normals, vtkIdType step, vtkSpsImplicitPolyDataDistance* locator,
    vtkPolyDataCorrespondenceFilter* filter)
    : Points(points)
    , Origins(origins)
    , Landmarks(landmarks)
    , Normals(normals)
    , Step(step)
    , Locator(locator)
    , Filter(filter)
    vtkIdType estSize =
      std::min(this->Points->GetNumberOfTuples(), Filter->GetMaximumNumberOfLandmarks());
// How to instantiate the variables, TLOrigins, TLLandmarks, and TLNormals (they are abstract)

For types that are known at compile time, it is easy. The code below are working very well. Since I am operating on 4 different arrays, it could have been nice with a vtkDispatch4ByValue provided that I figure out how to use vtkSMPThreadLocalObject for abstract types (make the compiler instantiate them).

I know from using that for this to work, the Local() should itself be a template like and executed like

TLNormals.template Local<TypeName>();

but that didn’t seem to work.

Thanks in advance

// Structure holding concrete instances
struct vtkLocalDataType
  vtkPoints* Origins;
  vtkPoints* Landmarks;
  vtkDoubleArray* Normals;
  int LastIndex;
    : Origins(nullptr)
    , Landmarks(nullptr)
    , Normals(nullptr)

struct ClosestPointFunctor
  vtkSMPThreadLocalObject<vtkPoints> TLOrigins;
  vtkSMPThreadLocalObject<vtkPoints> TLLandmarks;
  vtkSMPThreadLocalObject<vtkDoubleArray> TLNormals;
  vtkSMPThreadLocal<int> TLLastIndex;
  vtkSMPThreadLocal<vtkLocalDataType> LocalData;

  vtkPolyDataCorrespondenceFilter* Self;
  vtkPoints* Points;
  vtkIdType Step;
  vtkSpsImplicitPolyDataDistance* Locator;
  vtkPoints* Origins;
  vtkPoints* Landmarks;
  vtkDoubleArray* Normals;

  ClosestPointFunctor(vtkPolyDataCorrespondenceFilter* self, vtkPoints* points, vtkIdType step,
    vtkSpsImplicitPolyDataDistance* locator, vtkPoints* origins, vtkPoints* landmarks,
    vtkDoubleArray* normals)
    : Self(self)
    , Points(points)
    , Step(step)
    , Locator(locator)
    , Origins(origins)
    , Landmarks(landmarks)
    , Normals(normals)

    int estimatedSize =
      std::min(this->Points->GetNumberOfPoints(), Self->GetMaximumNumberOfLandmarks());
  void Initialize()
    auto& localData = this->LocalData.Local();
    auto& newOrigins = this->TLOrigins.Local();
    auto& newLandmarks = this->TLLandmarks.Local();
    auto& newNormals = this->TLNormals.Local();
    int& newLastIndex = this->TLLastIndex.Local();
    newLastIndex = 0;

    // How to make this smaller - can we access the number of threads?
    vtkIdType estimatedSize = vtkIdType(this->Points->GetNumberOfPoints() / this->Step);
    localData.Landmarks = newLandmarks;
    localData.Normals = newNormals;
    localData.Origins = newOrigins;
    localData.LastIndex = newLastIndex;
  void operator()(vtkIdType begin, vtkIdType end)
    auto& localData = this->LocalData.Local();

    vtkPoints*& origins = localData.Origins;
    vtkDoubleArray*& normals = localData.Normals;
    vtkPoints*& landmarks = localData.Landmarks;
    int& lastIndex = localData.LastIndex;

    double signedDistance;
    double originPoint[3];
    double closestPoint[3];
    double gradient[3];
    vtkDataObject::AttributeTypes type = vtkDataObject::NUMBER_OF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPES;
    for (; begin < end; ++begin)
      if (begin % this->Step != 0)

      this->Points->GetPoint(begin, originPoint);
      this->Self->GetTransform()->InternalTransformPoint(originPoint, originPoint);
      // Compute intersection in world coordinates
      signedDistance = this->Locator->SharedEvaluate(originPoint, gradient, closestPoint, &type);

      if (signedDistance < Self->GetMaximumDistance())
        origins->InsertPoint(lastIndex, originPoint);
        landmarks->InsertPoint(lastIndex, closestPoint);
        normals->InsertTuple(lastIndex, gradient);
  void Reduce()
    using TLSIter = vtkSMPThreadLocal<vtkLocalDataType>::iterator;
    TLSIter end = this->LocalData.end();
    vtkIdType dstStart = 0;
    for (TLSIter itr = this->LocalData.begin(); itr != end; ++itr)
      auto origins = (*itr).Origins;
      auto landmarks = (*itr).Landmarks;
      auto normals = (*itr).Normals;
      vtkIdType nPoints = landmarks->GetNumberOfPoints();
      this->Origins->InsertPoints(dstStart, nPoints, 0, origins);
      this->Landmarks->InsertPoints(dstStart, nPoints, 0, landmarks);
      this->Normals->InsertTuples(dstStart, nPoints, 0, normals);
      dstStart += nPoints;

Now, I would like to handle points, origins, and landmarks to be either float or double and likewise for the normals.

I almost managed to get it to work, now just an issue about allocating enough data, inserting and afterwards setting the number of tuples for a vtkDataArray, but that should be doable. Will post the solution when it is working.

Why not storing a pointer or a smart pointer in vtkSMPThreadLocal? You could have either a std::unique_ptr<T> if T is a non-VTK type, or vtkSmartPointer<T> otherwise.

Another solution could be to use templating on your functor, using a concrete class.

There is no dispatch mechanism for 4 values. The tree spanned at compile-time by dispatching has n^p elements, where n is the number of types to dispatch and p the number of values, making compile time atrocious. Dispatching with 3 values is already borderline and I usually tend to avoid it at all cost.

I understand why dispatching 4 arrays is bad idea, already annoyed about the insane compilation time due to the existing dispatcher.

Perhaps not an elegant solution, but I ended up templating the functor and do manual dispatching. Something along the lines.

int outputPrecisionType = (this->OutputPrecision == vtkAlgorithm::DEFAULT_PRECISION
    ? source->GetPoints()->GetDataType()
    : (this->OutputPrecision == vtkAlgorithm::SINGLE_PRECISION ? VTK_FLOAT : VTK_DOUBLE));

int inputPrecision = source->GetPoints()->GetDataType();

vtkNew<vtkDoubleArray> landmarkNormals;
if (inputPrecision == VTK_FLOAT)
  Functor<vtkFloatArray, vtkFloatArray, vtkDoubleArray> fun(
    vtkDoubleArray::SafeDownCast(landmarks->GetData()), landmarkNormals, step, locator, this);
  vtkSMPTools::For(0, source->GetNumberOfPoints(), fun);
  Functor<vtkDoubleArray, vtkDoubleArray, vtkDoubleArray> fun(
    vtkDoubleArray::SafeDownCast(landmarks->GetData()), landmarkNormals, step, locator, this);
  vtkSMPTools::For(0, source->GetNumberOfPoints(), fun);

Will of course use vtkSmartPointer for the arrays.

Hi @Yohann_Bearzi

I am considering making a much smaller project like vtkBool where I implement filter for registration of vtkPolyData. As a start it will contain an ICP similar to vtkIterativeClosestPoint, but 20 faster using Gauss-Newton and version which uses the point-to-plane metric.

Do you have a CMake template for creating an external module for VTK that can be easily used.

The only change that I need for VTK core is to add a public function.

double EvaluateFunctionAndGetClosestPointAndGradient(double x[3], double closestPoint[3], double gradient[3]);

to vtkImplicitPolyDataDistance.

The optimization will be made with Eigen and using only the content that is available in vtkEigen.

Thanks in advance

You can find a small demonstration of the library here. The purpose is to investigate better registration methods and for sure things can be optimized. For the small demonstration project, I haven’t even configured the compilation flags properly.

You can find library here: