vtkWebGPURenderWindow cannot render frame

I’m trying to make a web application like vtk-wasm-demos The program runs well with WebGL, but when switching to WebGPU, the canvas appears blank, without any error messages. If I trigger any interactions, I will receive the following errors:

ERROR: In vtkWebGPURenderWindow.cxx, line 893
vtkWebAssemblyWebGPURenderWindow (0x30302a80): Cannot render frame because the command encoder is null!

I’ve tried MultiCone example and it works well in both WebGL and WebGPU.
Anyway vtk-wasm-demos is more complex, perhaps I have missed some settings for WebGPU. Is anyone able to give me any hints?

the code of configuration

async function InitCanvas() {
  const module = await import("./utils/wasmConfigure.js");
  let configuration = module.getConfiguration(await TestIfSupportGpu());
  // init canvas viewer
  wasmModule = await createCanvasViewer(configuration);
  canvasViewer = new wasmModule.CanvasViewer();
  await canvasViewer.initialize();

async function TestIfSupportGpu() {
  if (navigator.gpu === undefined) {
    return false;
  const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter();
  if (adapter === null) {
    return false;
  return true;


void CanvasViewer::Initialize()
    auto iren = vtkWebAssemblyRenderWindowInteractor::SafeDownCast(this->P->Interactor);
    if (auto wasmWebGPURenderWindow =
    if (auto wasmOpenGLRenderWindow =
    vtkRenderWindowInteractor::InteractorManagesTheEventLoop = false;
    if (auto iStyle = vtkInteractorStyle::SafeDownCast(
        if (auto switchStyle = vtkInteractorStyleSwitch::SafeDownCast(iStyle))


export function getConfiguration(supportWebGpu) {
  if (supportWebGpu) {
    const configuration = {
      canvas: (function () {
        const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
        canvas.oncontextmenu = (event) => {
        canvas.onclick = () => {
        canvas.tabIndex = -1;
        return canvas;
      print: (text) => console.debug(text),
      printErr: (text) => console.error(text),
      preRun: [
        function (module) {
    return configuration;
  } else {
    const configuration = {
      canvas: (function () {
        const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
        canvas.oncontextmenu = (event) => {
        canvas.onclick = () => {
        canvas.tabIndex = -1;
          function (e) {
            alert("WebGL context lost. You will need to reload the page.");
        return canvas;
      print: (text) => console.debug(text),
      printErr: (text) => console.error(text),
    return configuration;

Hi @blocky, that can happen when browser failed to provision a webgpu device. Some browsers succeed in providing an adapter but fail to give a device, I think a combination of Linux and specific nvidia drivers is known to cause it. Are there any other errors you see in dev console?

What VTK commit is your build based upon?

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Hi @jaswantp

thanks for taking the time to look into the issue! My system is Windows and the version of VTK is v9.4.0.

I tried to hand device over to the module object, but that not functioning as expected.
There are no further prompts on the interactor. But When I tried to run this example , vtkAxesActor results in a “null function or function signature mismatch” error during rendering, and for the gradient background color, only a single color seems to be displayed. Anyway, here are some cases where it runs successfully in WebGPU. It appears that I have only been using certain features of VTK.

I tried to hand device over to the module object, but that not functioning as expected.

That approach will not work. Please allow VTK to initialize the device.

But When I tried to run this example , vtkAxesActor results in a “null function or function signature mismatch” error during rendering, and for the gradient background color, only a single color seems to be displayed.

Yes, the vtkAxesActor, gradient background are some of the features that do not work with webgpu right now. Work is in progress.

Anyway, here are some cases where it runs successfully in WebGPU. It appears that I have only been using certain features of VTK.

Okay. We’re adding webgpu support for features that our paying customer is interested in. So far, those have been the polydata mapper, composite poyldata mapper, and the glyph mapper. As a result, you might see some VTK classes work in webgpu, others do not. However, it’s good to have early adopters from the community try out the VTK webgpu backend! Our customer is also interested in vtkAxesActor. It will be fixed.

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