vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow resize (memory leak)?

HI Paulo, I am not suggesting that the bug is necessarily in VTK. It is quite reasonable that the problem lies somewhere else. I need to find where. However my graphics card drivers are the latest:
I will try to test the issue on all machines I can find. I have already tested it on another PC with a different AMD graphics card model. On this machine I also tested it without the mesa 3D dll, the output is the same. Since the Mayavi code does not have the problem I am hesitant to blame the graphic driver, although I donā€™t know exactly what the code does.
Thanks for your suggestions.

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We encountered not the same, but a similar problem where memory leaks happened whilst resizing a window (see the issue here https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview/-/issues/20430).

We never found a solution though. Note that this was on a Linux machine.

Interesting Thomas, thanks. It seems very close to what I am experiencing. In the meantime I managed to find the VTK binaries for the Mayavi library. While linking these binaries I am still getting the memory leak. I also tested my application on three other machines with different Graphic card. Therefore now I am thinking that there may be something wrong in my Visual Studio 2019 project configuration.
In my configuration I just include a vtkModuleAutoInit.h file which contains this define:

#define vtkRenderingCore_AUTOINIT 1(vtkRenderingOpenGL2)

As I understand it, this allows for OpenGL2 implementation of the vtkRenderWindow (class vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow).
My concern is that this might not be enough and something is missing in my configuration.
I coud not find much information about compiling with Visual Studio.

I changed the vtkModuleAutoInit.h file to:

#define vtkRenderingCore_AUTOINIT 2(vtkRenderingOpenGL2,vtkInteractionStyle)
#define vtkRenderingContext2D_AUTOINIT 1(vtkRenderingContextOpenGL2)

I got rid of a warning I had: warning: link to vtkInteractionstyle for default style selection.
But still no luck with the memory leak.

Iā€™ve found the cause of the memory leak. First of all I changed the Auto init configuration to:

#define vtkRenderingOpenGL2_AUTOINIT 1(vtkRenderingGL2PSOpenGL2)
#define vtkRenderingCore_AUTOINIT 3(vtkInteractionStyle,vtkRenderingFreeType,vtkRenderingOpenGL2)
#define vtkRenderingVolume_AUTOINIT 1(vtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL2)

This new configuration forced the linking of other two libraries:


I added these other dlls to the output:


After these changes and after reading here:
paragraph: What Graphics Cards work with VTK

I tested the program on my local machine without mesa 3D and the memory leak disappeared! As I understand it, the mesa 3D library substitutes the OpenGL of the Graphics card. Still working on remote desktop I need mesa 3D and the problem remains.

In summary:

  • VTK has no bug
  • My code had a wrong configuration (but I must understand better what these autoinit defines do)
  • Mesa 3D is the cause of the memory leak.

Thanks to Paulo for supporting me.

Thatā€™s ok. Itā€™s a process of eliminating hypotheses. We had to rule out driver.

I say thank you. You did all the detective work to spot that. I confess Iā€™d never suspect of Mesa, since itā€™s been around since 1993 with input of industrial contributors. It would be a good idea to check which Mesa API version is supported by your system, but I donā€™t know how to do that in Windows (as all things Microsoft). Latest version is 20.something.

Edit: Often the graphics driver installs an utility that can be used to check Mesa version. You can also try the dxdiag command in a prompt, but it didnā€™t show any info on Mesa for me.

Hi Paulo, I downloaded the mesa that I am using. Itā€™s a Windows compiled version taken from here GitHub - pal1000/mesa-dist-win: Pre-built mesa software rasterizer drivers for Windows itā€™s version 20.2.2. I see that it is not official by the way. Reading more about it, it seems that Mesa 3d shouldnā€™t really be necessary on Windows. After reading here (paragraph 6) https://www.amd.com/system/files/documents/remote-workstation-user-guide.pdf I enable the mentioned services, rebooted but nothing changed. I donā€™t know why but on Remote Desktop my application works only with mesa 3d. Anyway I have found some memory issue even in mesa official release Massive memory leak (at least AMD, others unknown) (#3513) Ā· Issues Ā· Mesa / mesa Ā· GitLab. One more thing: I checked again my results, the VTK auto_init configuration is not important as I thought. Even with the old configuration and linking, there is no memory leak (without mesa). I believed that I had already verified this before but I was probably wrong. Still itā€™s not clear to me how the Mayavi application even with the mesa 3D has no memory leak but itā€™s not really important now.

Itā€™s odd that your app requires Mesa to work. Mesa is only an abstraction layer over 3D rendering backends (OpenGL, Direct 3D, Vulkan, etc.). In Windows, in the end youā€™re using either OpenGL or Direct3D anyway. It would be good to check which backend Mesa 3D is using in your case, since Windows supports both.