Warnings in VTK regarding number of points != zero

@Charles_Gueunet, @mwestphal, any ideas regarding this?

I have been modernising/updating the vtk examples and this example seems to be highlighting an inconsistency in VTK: ImageWarp. I remember many years ago translating this from the original TCL example, however it hasn’t been tested for at least three years.

Whilst an image is produced, lots of warnings like this are issued:

2020-10-09 08:09:30.569 (   0.616s) [                ]     vtkMergeFilter.cxx:389   WARN| vtkMergeFilter (000001DE2221EE10): Scalars for cell data cannot be merged because the number of cells in the input geometry do not match the number of cell scalars 65025 != 0
2020-10-09 08:09:30.709 (   0.756s) [                ]     vtkMergeFilter.cxx:400   WARN| vtkMergeFilter (000001DE2221EE10): Vectors for point data cannot be merged because the number of points in the input geometry do not match the number of point vectors 65536 != 0


Looks like an issue. Could you open it on gitlab ?

Will do tomorrow.

Andrew Maclean

See: https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/-/issues/18024