What is state of the art: Unicode file names on Windows

The path name is “d:\test\保留\objs\test.obj”.

When using Activiz.NET 5.8, objReader can open the file without setting activeCodePage.

Perhaps previously you had your code page set to a Chinese character set? Is there a problem with setting your manifest active code page to UTF8?

FYI @LucasGandel

I confirm the answer from Todd. Now that VTK expects UTF8 encoded strings, you must force the active codepage to UTF8 by adding the following section in your app.manifest file:

  <application xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
      <activeCodePage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SMI/2019/WindowsSettings">UTF-8</activeCodePage>

This has been fixed recently and won’t be required anymore in the next Activiz version that will be released before the end of the month.


This is good news.