a problem of 3d data

dear everyone :slight_smile:
i have a txt file, data is following :slight_smile:
x y z color
0 2 3 0.5
1 2 4 0.2
3 2 5 0.1
i want to build the 3d heatmap with VTK
but i do not know to perform it.

This is three points. Just a triangle with color for each point. Where is the 3D heatmap coming from ?

actually , x ,y,and z range is from 0 to 199
x y z color
0 0 0 0.5
1 0 0 0.2
0 1 0 0.2
199 199 199 0.8

Open the file with ParaView then using TableToRectilinearGrid filter.

thanks , i will try it based on your advice.