I try to use vtkStructuredGrid to draw the grid in the polar coordinate system。But the hexahedral cell in vtkCellType is not fan-shaped。
I found this when I was looking for information(like c), but it didn’t explain how to achieve it, so I want to ask.
I think that what @KeyboardMan would like to achieve would be to have curved hexahedra in his polar grid so that the grid is angularly smooth. Unfortunately, as of today, cells inside a vtkStructuredGrid are linear.
EDIT: The illustration for vtkStructuredGrid is kind of deceptive… Sorry it lead to a confusion.
You could get this kind of smooth result if you used non linear cells in a vtkUnstructuredGrid. You might have to create a custom class so you can automatize indexing (your class could inherit from vtkUnstructuredGrid and add relevant methods). Look at vtkHigherOrderHexahedron and related cells. There are a handful to choose from.
Like @Yohann_Bearzi, I’d also go for vtkUnstructuredGrid. That’s the class I use to model grids with cells of arbitrary shapes like those we need for geology applications:
My point is that you need to express each cell geometry explicitly with vtkUnstructuredGrid. VTK doesn’t have a “vtkPolarGrid”. Either this or elaborate over the example I posted further above that uses vtkStructuredGrid.
We use a grid transform and a transform filter to warp VTK objects stored in polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinate system. It works on polydata, unstructured grid, etc. directly. For images, we use the same transform with a vtkImageResample filter.