Are there any lighter, well-engineered c++ & QT open-source examples that can achieve data reading, editing, etc.?

The existing VTK examples are all implemented in a single file.

They do not demonstrate how to organize data or how to engineer the project.

Are there any lighter, well-engineered c++ & QT open-source examples that can achieve data reading, editing, etc.?

ParaView is too large and difficult to read.


Here ( cursoVTKgeo/aulas_3dias at master · PauloCarvalhoRJ/cursoVTKgeo · GitHub) are the source codes of Qt + VTK C++ exercises that I used in a VTK course I taught in Brazil some years ago. They are small, but the Qt part is separated. The master branch are the unsolved exercises, though you can build an run them. The Respostas (solutions) branch are the solved ones.

This one ( cursoVTKgeo/aulas_3dias/PocoLito at master · PauloCarvalhoRJ/cursoVTKgeo · GitHub ) even has a data file that is used to build a representation of rock types observed in a core sample in the shape of a tube. The structure of the source tree is illustrated below:

The comments and the class material in the PPT are in Portuguese, but I believe you can translate them easily with an on-line translator or some AI tool out there.

I hope these help you get started,
