hey there.
where these two shapes are attached, I want to smooth the border of their intersection in a way that the sharp distinction between them fades or gets qualified, meaning the sharp distinction between two objects gets smoother, as if we fill the space so that the resulting U shape is more gradual compared to this.
I appreciate your suggestions, however I need to implement a solution based on the vespa deformation. I was wondering if anybody could give me any clues on how to acheive such performance through the vespa deformation.
I have a solution to propose, but you will certainly have to update it to your needs.
Here is an example where I merged two triangulated surface with Vespa, and selected the “intersecting” area:
I have a cone with a scalar field set to value 1, and a cube with a scalar field set to 0, both triangulated.
Then, I use the Vespa boolean operation, with the interpolate attribute set to ON to get a single mesh from both. This mesh has points with the value 0 on the cube, and 1 on the cone.
In oder to select the interface, we use a trick here.
First, let’s subdivide our mesh, so we introduce new points with values between 0 and 1 around the interface.
Then, using the find data interface (cf 1 in the screenshot), select points with a scalar value between 0.1 and 0.9.
In order to include points from both the cone and the cube, I playes with the selection by extending it (+, cf 2 in the screenshot)
Finally, Freeze the selection and use the VESPA Region Fairing to smooth only this part.
Unfortunately, due to an issue with Eigen on my side I cannot show you this last part.
dear sir. I hava another question about “boolean”.
I am using the vtklinearextrusionfilter on my instances of data, after which I need to implement a boolean operation ( either through vtkbool or vespa), but I keep getting errors when using the result of vtklinearextrusionfilter in boolean operations. I was wondering there is any post processing method on the result of vtklinearextrusionfilter possible so that it can be further used in boolean operations without causing errors.
Could you please provide more insights about what those errors are ?
The linear extrusion filter may disconnect every cells (you can check with a connectivity filter) which would result in a mesh non suitable for boolean operations. If this linear extrusion is mandatory, you need to build a watertight surface around your resulting mesh, the Alpha Wrapping in Vespa may helps you in this regard.
Hi there.
I tried two cases. First I tried to extrude one of my polydatas and then implement the boolean operation on one original data and the extruded data,
where I received these errors from VTKBool and vespa boolean.
In the second case, using vtkclippolydata, I divided the polydata into two parts, and then extended them by scales of
10 and 20, respectively. Next, I decided to use the union operation instead of the vtkAppendPolyData, where I received these errors: