basic Parallel Coordinates view from an HDF file


I’m a VTK beginner, seeking help with getting the ParallelCoordinatesView example working with input data from an HDF file:

The interactions provided, where one can select bundles of lines by dragging, will hopefully be the basis for an interactive sonification.

To prepare, I created a VTK HDF file containing a single data array as ImageData. This was following the overview at:

The array has two significant dimensions, one corresponding to data cases and the other to variables. I would like to display a parallel axis for each variable. (Details on the creation of this file: way at the bottom).

Following the original example, I created a vtkHDFReader and mapped its output port to the vtkParallelCoordinatesRepresentation. But following that, I don’t know how to map slices of my data array to different parallel axes. So, at the moment, my parallel coordinates plot is empty.

How do I map different slices of my HDF dataset to axes on the parallel coordinates plot?

Here is the current code:

"Example for viewing HDF data with parallel coordinates."

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Example of how to use Parallel Coordinates View to plot and compare
# data set attributes.
# Use the 'u' character to toggle between 'inspect modes' on the parallel
# coordinates view (i.e. between selecting data and manipulating axes).
# Lines which are commented out show alternative options.

# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
import vtkmodules.vtkInteractionStyle

from vtkmodules.vtkIOHDF import vtkHDFReader

# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
import vtkmodules.vtkRenderingOpenGL2
from vtkmodules.vtkCommonColor import vtkNamedColors
from vtkmodules.vtkFiltersCore import vtkElevationFilter
from vtkmodules.vtkFiltersGeneral import vtkBrownianPoints
from vtkmodules.vtkImagingCore import vtkRTAnalyticSource
from vtkmodules.vtkImagingGeneral import vtkImageGradient
from vtkmodules.vtkViewsInfovis import (

def main():
    colors = vtkNamedColors()

    # Generate an example image data set with multiple attribute arrays to probe
    # and view.
    # This is where you would put your reader instead of this rt->elev pipeline...
    # rt = vtkRTAnalyticSource()
    # rt.SetWholeExtent(-3, 3, -3, 3, -3, 3)
    # grad = vtkImageGradient()
    # grad.SetDimensionality(3)
    # grad.SetInputConnection(rt.GetOutputPort())
    # brown = vtkBrownianPoints()
    # brown.SetMinimumSpeed(0.5)
    # brown.SetMaximumSpeed(1.0)
    # brown.SetInputConnection(grad.GetOutputPort())
    # elev = vtkElevationFilter()
    # elev.SetLowPoint(-3, -3, -3)
    # elev.SetHighPoint(3, 3, 3)
    # elev.SetInputConnection(brown.GetOutputPort())

    reader = vtkHDFReader()

    # mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper()
    # mapper.SetInputConnection(reader.GetOutputPort())

    # Set up the parallel coordinates Representation to be used in the View
    rep = vtkParallelCoordinatesRepresentation()

    # Plug your reader in here for your own data

    # List all of the attribute arrays you want plotted in parallel coordinates
    rep.SetInputArrayToProcess(0, 0, 0, 0, 'embeddings')
    # rep.SetInputArrayToProcess(1, 0, 0, 0, 'RTData')
    # rep.SetInputArrayToProcess(2, 0, 0, 0, 'Elevation')
    # rep.SetInputArrayToProcess(3, 0, 0, 0, 'BrownianVectors')

    rep.SetUseCurves(0)  # set to 1 to use smooth curves

    # Set up the Parallel Coordinates View and hook in the Representation
    view = vtkParallelCoordinatesView()

    # Inspect Mode determines whether your interactions manipulate the axes or
    # select data

    # Brush Mode determines the type of interaction you perform to select data
    # view.SetBrushModeToAngle()
    # view.SetBrushModeToFunction()
    # view.SetBrushModeToAxisThreshold()  # not implemented yet (as of 21 Feb 2010)

    # Brush Operator determines how each new selection interaction changes
    # selected lines
    # view.SetBrushOperatorToAdd()
    # view.SetBrushOperatorToSubtract()
    # view.SetBrushOperatorToIntersect()

    def ToggleInspectors(obj, event):
        # Define the callback routine which toggles between 'Inspect Modes'
        if view.GetInspectMode() == 0:

    # Hook up the callback to toggle between inspect modes
    # (manip axes & select data)
    view.GetInteractor().AddObserver('UserEvent', ToggleInspectors)

    # Set up render window
    view.GetRenderWindow().SetSize(600, 300)

    # Start interaction event loop

if __name__ == '__main__':

Here is some of the h5py code to initialize the VTKHDF file:

#setup code comes before this

dbFile = h5py.File("dust_vtk.hdf", "w")
top = dbFile.create_group("VTKHDF")
top.attrs["Type"] = np.array( "ImageData".encode("ascii") )
top.attrs["Version"] = [2,2]
top.attrs["WholeExtent"] = [0,256-1,0,num_blocks-1,0,0]
top.attrs["Origin"] = [0,0,0]
top.attrs["Direction"] = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
top.attrs["Spacing"] = [1,1,1]

pdata = top.create_group("PointData")
pdata.attrs["Scalars"] = np.array( "embeddings".encode("ascii") )

#ids = pdata.create_dataset("speaker_id", (num_blocks,), dtype="i")
embeddings = pdata.create_dataset("embeddings", (num_blocks,ndim,1), dtype='f')

#writing embeddings comes after this

best regards,

What is the issue ? Could you share the .vtkhdf file ?

Greetings, Mathieu! The issue was that the current code didn’t display anything.

What could be missing from the example? I’m not sure, still lacking some VTK concepts–for example, maybe the object and filter types (commented out rt, grad, brown, and elev) are fundamentally different from what comes out of reader and there is the gap.

Here’s dust_vtk.hdf:

Since then, I have made progress with an alternative approach, cobbled together from sample code.

  1. Load the data arrays from a normal HDF5 file using h5py,
  2. Create a vtkTable and create vtkFloatArrays to initialize each column.
  3. Add these to a vtkChartParallelCoordinates within a vtkContextView.

best regards, G

Seems to show up as a 2D image in ParaView:

Data seems garbled though.

Yes, thank you. Indeed, I am now unsure if the data should be an image at all. The primary goal is interpreting and filtering this data as multidimensional data in parallel coordinates, not actually seeing it as an image.

If your objective is ParallelCoordinatesView you need at least two arrays on your data. you have currently one, named “embeddings”.

Thanks! Will try and report.

Works for me! This dataset has many dimensions, so having to split the dimensions into separate arrays is somewhat unnatural. But it works.

Thank you for helping with this example.

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