C#/C++ packages for working with PACS

Hi Discourse-VTK, I am using VTK to work with dicom files and would like to make it possible for my app to directly search for and access dicom files directly from a hospital PACS server. Can anyone recommend a C#/C++ package for doing this? It could be a public or proprietary package.
thank you in advance,

@jcfr You might have relevant information for this.

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As far as I know, DCMTK is the only free, open-source DICOM networking library available in C++. Qt GUI widgets for communication setup, query options, etc. are available in CTK (used by applications such as 3D Slicer and MITK).


Thanks Andras & Ben. Does anyone have experience with Fellow Oak Dicom?

It’s a C# package that appears to have some PACS functionality.