Color Volume Rendering: vtkDataArray Indexing

I’m trying to do a color volume rendering for a 3D segmentation that has RGB values.

To have a color image, I started by drawing a Red box, for some reason I’m not able to get a color volume rendering of it at all.

My questions is what is the order of RGB in the vtkDataArray? is it [R,G,B,R,G,B, …] ?

To create a full red box, my code is:

const numComponents = 3;

const scalarData = new Float32Array(
    dimensions[0] * dimensions[1] * dimensions[2] * numComponents

const yStride = dimensions[0] * numComponents;
const zStride = dimensions[0] * dimensions[1] * numComponents;

for (let i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
    for (let j = 30; j < 40; j++) {
      for (let k = 30; k < 40; k++) {
        const position = [i, j, k];

        const scalarIndex =
          position[2] * zStride + position[1] * yStride + position[0];

        scalarData[scalarIndex * numComponents] = 255;
        scalarData[scalarIndex * numComponents + 1] = 0;
        scalarData[scalarIndex * numComponents + 2] = 0;

  const scalarArray = vtkDataArray.newInstance({
    name: "Pixels",
    numberOfComponents: 3,
    values: scalarData

I’m also setting the setIndependentComponents(false) per my research in this forum.

I have created a working example here


The volume mapper expects either 2 components (LA) or 4 components (RGBA) when vtkVolumeProperty::IndependentComponents == false. See

In your case, you should add a fourth component such that your array layout is [R, G, B, A, R, G, B, A… ].

Thanks for your reply @sankhesh
I can see that with 3 number of components in vtkDataArray, it already has the 4 components.

The first is

colorChannels: 3
grayTransferFunction: null
rGBTransferFunction: Object
scalarOpacity: Object
scalarOpacityUnitDistance: 1
opacityMode: 0
gradientOpacityMinimumValue: 0
gradientOpacityMinimumOpacity: 0
gradientOpacityMaximumValue: 1
gradientOpacityMaximumOpacity: 1
useGradientOpacity: false
componentWeight: 1

and the component 2,3,4 are the following which don’t have any transfer functions

colorChannels: 1
grayTransferFunction: null
rGBTransferFunction: null
scalarOpacity: null
scalarOpacityUnitDistance: 1
opacityMode: 0
gradientOpacityMinimumValue: 0
gradientOpacityMinimumOpacity: 0
gradientOpacityMaximumValue: 1
gradientOpacityMaximumOpacity: 1
useGradientOpacity: false
componentWeight: 1

I tried your solution for 4 components here but still nothing shows up

I found my problem

I was applying *numComponents twice, once in the stride and once in the scalarIndex


  const yStride = dimensions[0] * numComponents;
  const zStride = dimensions[0] * dimensions[1] * numComponents;

should be

  const yStride = dimensions[0];
  const zStride = dimensions[0] * dimensions[1];


Hi @Alireza and @sankhesh -

Regarding RGBA rendering, Sankesh and I discussed some issues I was running into so I did a dive into the shader code and was able to fix an issue to calculate shading from the alpha channel and get color from the RGB channels like in the image below (there’s also a link to a movie of it). I didn’t have a chance to do a pull request, but the diff with the fixes is included below in case it helps.



diff --git a/Rendering/VolumeOpenGL2/vtkVolumeShaderComposer.h b/Rendering/VolumeOpenGL2/vtkVolumeShaderComposer.h
index 6f4962cc6f..e894ff1770 100644
--- a/Rendering/VolumeOpenGL2/vtkVolumeShaderComposer.h
+++ b/Rendering/VolumeOpenGL2/vtkVolumeShaderComposer.h
@@ -678,15 +678,15 @@ namespace vtkvolume
           \n     }\
           \n   if (nDotL > 0.0)\
           \n     {\
-          \n     diffuse = nDotL * in_diffuse[component] *\
+          \n     diffuse = nDotL * in_diffuse[0] *\
           \n               in_lightDiffuseColor[0] * color.rgb;\
           \n     }\
-          \n    specular = pow(nDotH, in_shininess[component]) *\
-          \n                 in_specular[component] *\
+          \n    specular = pow(nDotH, in_shininess[0]) *\
+          \n                 in_specular[0] *\
           \n                 in_lightSpecularColor[0];\
           \n  // For the headlight, ignore the light's ambient color\
           \n  // for now as it is causing the old mapper tests to fail\
-          \n = in_ambient[component] * color.rgb +\
+          \n = in_ambient[0] * color.rgb +\
           \n                   diffuse + specular;\
@@ -734,13 +734,13 @@ namespace vtkvolume
           \n  if (nDotH > 0.0)\
           \n    {\
           \n    specular = in_lightSpecularColor[lightNum] *\
-          \n               pow(nDotH, in_shininess[component]);\
+          \n               pow(nDotH, in_shininess[0]);\
           \n    }\
           \n  ambient += in_lightAmbientColor[lightNum];\
           \n  }\
-          \n = in_ambient[component] * ambient +\
-          \n                   in_diffuse[component] * diffuse * color.rgb +\
-          \n                   in_specular[component] * specular;"
+          \n = in_ambient[0] * ambient +\
+          \n                   in_diffuse[0] * diffuse * color.rgb +\
+          \n                   in_specular[0] * specular;"
       else if (lightingComplexity == 3)
@@ -811,14 +811,14 @@ namespace vtkvolume
           \n    }\
           \n  if (nDotH > 0.0)\
           \n    {\
-          \n    float sf = attenuation * pow(nDotH, in_shininess[component]);\
+          \n    float sf = attenuation * pow(nDotH, in_shininess[0]);\
           \n    specular += (sf * in_lightSpecularColor[lightNum]);\
           \n    }\
           \n    ambient += in_lightAmbientColor[lightNum];\
           \n  }\
-          \n = in_ambient[component] * ambient +\
-          \n                   in_diffuse[component] * diffuse * color.rgb +\
-          \n                   in_specular[component] * specular;\
+          \n = in_ambient[0] * ambient +\
+          \n                   in_diffuse[0] * diffuse * color.rgb +\
+          \n                   in_specular[0] * specular;\
@@ -930,15 +930,15 @@ namespace vtkvolume
         \n     }\
         \n   if (nDotL > 0.0)\
         \n     {\
-        \n     diffuse = nDotL * in_diffuse[component] *\
+        \n     diffuse = nDotL * in_diffuse[0] *\
         \n               in_lightDiffuseColor[0] * color.rgb;\
         \n     }\
-        \n    specular = pow(nDotH, in_shininess[component]) *\
-        \n                 in_specular[component] *\
+        \n    specular = pow(nDotH, in_shininess[0]) *\
+        \n                 in_specular[0] *\
         \n                 in_lightSpecularColor[0];\
         \n  // For the headlight, ignore the light's ambient color\
         \n  // for now as it is causing the old mapper tests to fail\
-        \n = in_ambient[component] * color.rgb +\
+        \n = in_ambient[0] * color.rgb +\
         \n                   diffuse + specular;\
@@ -1061,16 +1061,29 @@ namespace vtkvolume
           \n  {\
           \n  return computeLighting(vec4(texture2D(" + colorTableMap[0] + ",\
           \n                                        vec2(scalar.x, 0.0)).xyz,\
-          \n                              opacity), 0);\
+          \n                              opacity), 1);\
+          \n  }");
+        return shaderStr;
+      }
+      else if (noOfComponents == 4 && !independentComponents)
+      {
+        shaderStr += std::string("\
+          \nvec4 computeColor(vec4 scalar, float opacity)\
+          \n  {\
+          \n  return computeLighting(vec4(, opacity), 3);\
           \n  }");
         return shaderStr;
+        // invalid combination: more than one component but not 2 or 4
+        // and not treated independently, so treat it the same as 2 component
         shaderStr += std::string("\
           \nvec4 computeColor(vec4 scalar, float opacity)\
           \n  {\
-          \n  return computeLighting(vec4(, opacity), 0);\
+          \n  return computeLighting(vec4(texture2D(" + colorTableMap[0] + ",\
+          \n                                        vec2(scalar.x, 0.0)).xyz,\
+          \n                              opacity), 1);\
           \n  }");
         return shaderStr;
@@ -1534,7 +1547,7 @@ namespace vtkvolume
       shader <<
-        "g_gradients_0[0] = computeGradient(g_dataPos, 0, in_volume[0], 0);\n";
+        "g_gradients_0[0] = computeGradient(g_dataPos, 3, in_volume[0], 0);\n";
     return shader.str();

Thank you Steve for the code,
This is an advance visualization! Looks amazing.