Hi everyone,
I was using vtkImageCPRMapper for CPR reconstruction (vtk.js 29.8.0). However, when I tried to set the values of ProjectionSlabNumberOfSamples and ProjectionSlabThickness for projection, the color window of the results unexpectedly changed. Here are the images:
For both images, I set window level to 40 (by vtkImageProperty.setColorLevel) and window width to 350 (by vtkImageProperty.setColorWindow). The differences are:
For image<1>, the number of samples was set to 1 (by vtkImageCPRMapper.setProjectionSlabNumberOfSamples) and thickness was set to 0 (by vtkImageCPRMapper.setProjectionSlabThickness),
while for image<2>, the number of samples was set to 500 and thickness was set to 0.2.
Could I ask why is this happening? My guess is vtkImageCPRMapper assigned 0 to the values of some sample pixels, but in CT images the minimum of the pixel value is negative (e.g. air in lung). It results in the misted image.
I am not sure about my guess and how to achieve the desired result. Any help is appreciated!